Boshy Segmented Speedrun
3 days ago

So, I managed to gather all the necessary material to create a video with a near-perfect playthrough of the game with all existing modern strats for Boshy.

Since this is a compilation of entire individual worlds, you may see some sub-optimal moments where pausebuffers or moonwalking are used. This was generally intended to be the case, to more realistically define the human limit in this game.

This compilation does not include the new strategies related to shots through collision, as this glitch still needs to be worked around

The video features footage from ItzFallenFly, Hachimen, Eelusion, DemetriusDima

The method I'd posted in the other thread is still, in my opinion, the most effective strat for the W3 red ball skip. From my POV, there's nothing to be "worked around" anymore. It works, just not consistently. The other strategies are TAS-only for now.

I should also mention BBF responded to my DM saying there's no point in banning the strat unless it is hardware-dependent (in which case I'd agree with him). There's no evidence of it being hardware dependent because everyone gets still-frame pause buffers.

Shooting thru walls w/ pause buffers is allowed in runs, therefore.

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