Act 3 - Bifurcated Strike RNG explained
Act 3 - Bifurcated Strike RNG explained
Güncelleme tarihi 3 years ago tarafından ShadowthePast

In Act 3, the main speedrun strat used is to buff Wizbot with Bifurcated strike, then thin the deck and buff Wizbot to a 3/1 in order to OTK on the rest of the fights. Rolling for Bifurcated strike is almost completely RNG, but there is some steps we can take to reroll as many times as we want, as well as ways to give us slightly better odds. (Note that this is all based on our current understanding of the RNG).

The buffs offered are predetermined by the seed. The seed advances based on what map tiles you walk to in the Robot world. If you aren't offered Bifurcated, you can quit to Main Menu (to reload to before you clicked the buff button), walk to a neighboring map tile, walk back, then stand up and sit down at the table to save the game. Then check the buff again to see if you got it.

The three buffs you are offered are dependent on the first card you offer to be buffed; once you pick a card, the three buffs are locked in, and you'll need to quit to Main Menu to reroll.

It's also dependent on how many sigils are already on the card, and what those sigils are. For example, a card with 0 sigils will be offered buffs A, B, and C, then a card with 1 sigil will be offered sigils D, E, and F, then 2 sigils could be offered E, B, and A, and so on. (Note that cards like Wizbot and Ourobot that already have their own unique sigils are treated as 0-sigil cards, until buffed with new sigils.)

If the card already has one of the offered sigils (ex. Mighty Leap), it will instead increment the offered sigil to the next sigil in the list below. So if a card that already has Mighty Leap would have been offered Mighty Leap, it will increment forward one sigil and instead offered Bifurcated.

List of sigils in order (with their internal IDs):

3 - Strafe (Sprinter) ->4 4 - Deathtouch (Touch of Death) ->8 8 - WhackAMole (Burrower) ->14 14 - DrawCopyOnDeath (Unkillable) ->15 15 - Sharp (Sharp Quills) ->16 16 - StrafePush (Hefty) ->18 18 - GuardDog (Guardian) ->23 23 - Reach (Mighty Leap) ->24 24 - SplitStrike (Bifurcated Strike) ->51 51 - GainBattery (Battery Bearer) ->53 53 - Sniper (Sniper) ->51 54 - DeathShield (Nano Armor) ->53 62 - Sentry (Sentry) ->54 83 - DebuffEnemy (Stinky) ->62

Ourobot seems to be special in that it cannot naturally be offered certain sigils (unless it increments in to them). If Ouro is offered Unkillable, Sharp Quills, Hefty, Guardian, or Mighty Leap, it will increment one sigil forward, even if the resulting sigils is one of these other "invalid" sigils. For this reason, Ouro has slightly better odds of getting Bifurcated than other cards. We can check for Bifurcated on Ouro, then take Ouro back out and put Wizbot in to get the buff.

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