Guide to speed running the memories ending
Guide to speed running the memories ending
Güncelleme tarihi 3 years ago tarafından Jamiee47

Hey everyone! I decide to make a guide on how to speed run the memories ending to hopefully encourage people to start speed running this game, also because it is one of the only endings that time can hugely differ on and to maybe beat the current world record

First off I want to give some general tips: 1- Avoid chatting with Npcs (Non player character) as much as possible 2 - If you have to chat with Npcs try to close it as soon as possible 3 - Maintain your stamina, never let your stamina go to red 4 - Don't hold items that you will not be using. Example: Try to hold your bowling ball when you are going into the Mom's room because you will be dropping it on the carpet to get the slingshot 5 - Do pick up the bucket (Thanks to @lemniscate for letting me know)

NOTE: This is my way of speed running this ending, there could be faster ways but I do not know

I think that is all the general tips, now for the steps into speed running the Memories ending:

Leave your room as fast as possible and run to the main room where the you'll find the bowling ball, pick it up, drop it on the cat (Sorry kitty). Once that's done pick up the key but don't go into the rat's room just yet, go into the piano room. Pick up Marty (the snail), leave and go into the rat's room, PICK UP THE BUCKET. Get the axe, sprint to the bottom middle of the room to avoid the rat then go up again. Go to the main hallway and stand to the left of the clock but face it, hit it with the axe then go into the Mom's room, pick up the gun and drop the bowling ball. Get the slingshot, shoot the eyes. After that's done avoid the first monster and go into the main room, run straight to the other side and go in the piano room, stand still and wait for the 5 fingers to appear, after you killed them, rush to the vase (I think it's a vase?) break it, get the bullet. Leave the room and head straight to the mouth, drop the bucket next to the mouth, that will cause it to chomp then quickly rush to it and drop the bowling ball. Hold your gun and shoot the heart (The heart's hitbox is bigger than it looks). When you are under the house go diagonally to the right for about 3 seconds, then go straight up till you find the grandpa (?). A chat bubble will appear so make sure to skip it immediately or you will lose some time, after you skipped it make sure to hold up, after Tabby get's her arm ripped you should be done, from now on keep pressing the button to skip the chat till "THE END" appears. And you should be done

That was way longer than I wanted it to be but I hope that helped, sorry if some parts are not explained too well and sorry if there's any spelling mistakes

P.S, if some parts are not clear try to watch my speed run on this ending

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