saying things like this makes people not want to participate, you do know that right?
We've had 3 new WRs in the past 2 weeks. People have been doing great. Boring is absolutely not the word you are looking for. Also, if you are bored, perhaps you should go find something useful to do instead of complaining. This is not the forum for these opinions. If you have serious questions or need help with a run that is one thing, but to come in here and call everyone's work boring is totally uncalled for. I'd reflect on that a bit if I were you.
Impressive! You have speedran unlikeability in just a one sentence long forum post. Now that is some serious activity on the leaderboards there.
Not To make people feel bad I feel bad :(
I just feel like people arent playing this game as often then Zero dawn No disrespect I'm truly sorry I take it back.
Today Forbidden West launches on PC but the speedrun Leaderboards will not be accepting any PC runs for the first 2 weeks of the launch. This is to give us moderators and the community as whole time to develop the rules to fit the PC version. The 2 weeks will also give new players time to enjoy the