Moderator Forum 2022:
2 years ago
Ottawa, ON, Canada

Hello Everyone, Todd here. Ive just removed Cros107 as a moderator as he is very un-active and there is no point keeping him a mod when we can get a more active moderator. Below please add a request and a reason why you want to be the next moderator. Thanks - Todd.

There is only room for one new moderator as Cros107 is gone.

sWinTuZ bunu beğeniyor

I want to be a moderator of this game, as I play this game very often, and spend time on also very often, I like to check speedruns and strive for the top 10 moderators by the number of games.

pinkey bunu beğeniyor

Im interested in being a mod. I'm very active in this game. And check every 2 hours or so, so pretty active. As the new large amount of runs required to verify I would be happy to help

sWinTuZ bunu beğeniyor
Iowa, USA

@RealOttawaTodd we could give them a retiming test.

YUMmy_Bacon5, OttTodd, ve sWinTuZ bunu beğendi

Yea that's fine. I'm used to retiming because of a game I played called powder game

sWinTuZ bunu beğeniyor
Ottawa, ON, Canada

@Act_ that would be good.

sWinTuZ bunu beğeniyor
Iowa, USA

@pinkiey could I have your discord

YUMmy_Bacon5, pinkey, ve sWinTuZ bunu beğendi

Taco Pinky#6227

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 2 years ago
sWinTuZ bunu beğeniyor
Ottawa, ON, Canada

This forum is now closed thanks for your time.

pinkey ve sWinTuZ bunu beğendi
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Try to get many cups as fast as it's possible. All the Rules Are already written in "rules" section. also If You not understand something try to watch already speedruned run

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