-Added a new chapter: Scorin' And Ballin' -Added 3 new levels: Industry, Pillars and Desert -Added a limited time reward (until February 3rd): Lunar Ball Skin, get it in challenges menu -Added a new skin system for the melee and shooter enemies -A lot more variety and randomness has been added to enemy skins -Added a new parkour move: 180 wall jump -Pressing the quickturn button while wall climbing will cause the player to be launched backwards -A full Dunk-O-Meter increases the 180 wall jump's strength -Added 3 new flex/celebrate emotes -Added a new difficulty menu CHANGES
-Updated the melee enemy's swing animation and added VFX to it -Made it a little easier to avoid melee hits from enemies -Adjusted the mantle's camera shake -Removed player name tags from multiplayer -Updated the singleplayer menu layout -Improved the first person landing animations -Increased the player's mantle speed -Slightly decreased the mantle speed boost gained by a full Dunk-O-Meter -Adjusted the grappling gun animations during climbing and mantling -Removed a lot of unnecessary files and assets reducing file size and improving loading time -Adjusted the look of the player's main UI and made it react to the player's speed BUG FIXES
-Fixed a few settings and skin loading issues during the start of a level -Fixed a bug that caused the camera to shake to play twice during a mantle -Fixed a bug that caused shields to be launched very far after being dropped by a dead shield enemy -Fixed a bug that cased melee enemies to still attack the player even after getting stunned -Fixed a bug that caused the player to stand up after ending a slide even if the crouch key was still pressed
Went in and cleaned up the full game boards by adding variables for difficulties instead of full separate board categories.
Fixed the wording on some rules for said categories allowing for submissions to the obsolete ch 1-3 for anyone that is interested.
Changed the default view to Individual