Another Leaderboard Reset..?
Another Leaderboard Reset..?
Yayınlanma tarihi 10 months ago tarafından

You probably have already noticed that the Don't Look Down leaderboards seem to have reset once again. This is due to a new gamemode having to be released, which has a feature that increases gim speed. The creator of the game explained that speed boosts were messing with this gamemode and making gims go way too fast, so unfortunately he had to remove them entirely due to all platformer physics being linked across gamemodes. Fortunately, Gimkit modder; TheLazySquid, who had recently created a mod that allowed tool-assisted speedruns for Don't Look Down to be created, managed to create a mod that returned speed boosts, and the previous physics in general. This mod will be allowed to be used in runs as a sort of "Downpatcher" for any people who would prefer to speedrun with speed boosts. I have created a step-by-step guide on how to install it in the resources section if anyone is interested. That is all.

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