6 years ago
Virginia, USA

I know i am kinda newer to the gears speedrunning community and i would love to see this game get as popular speedrunning wise as other games such as SM64 and the likes, but should i wait to see if other competition emerges for this game before i optimize my runs. I could route it and fix the minor errors and get this run under 3 hours easily but do you think it would hurt the game more by doing that? I feel as if the time for first is closer to second it would make someone more likely to get involved and try to take over because they think they have a chance. It's the same reason why i came to this game. Just a thought and I'm truly curious what you people think on this matter.

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She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Don't wait for others, if you want to really push it to the limit then feel free to do so. We'd love to see that happen and that can encourage more runners to run it if it's under 3 hours. That's actually one of the main reasons people don't run it because it's so long. Any route changes and improvements is most welcome :3

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 6 years ago
United States

I usually limit myself to 2 hour long runs, so yes, please bring this time down. Dont worry about massive improvements, those can come from a single trick or even just better movement. I honestly don't know of anyone who would see a big difference in time and decide not to run it. I know several people who dont run a game because there isn't a community or runners. come on in and let us know if we can help and I personally look forward to the improvements

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