No Shift+V?
5 years ago
Washington, USA

Is it against the rules to use Shift+V to defeat bikers faster? I see a few videos and they're very good at downing bikers quickly when they need it but I thought it would be overall just faster to press Shift+V to down them.

Am I wrong? Is this disallowed?

Minnesota, USA

Not that I'm aware of. Personally, I just didn't know that key combination existed. I guess kind of like how I didn't know Indy can sucker punch enemies in Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.

I think the general understanding of Any% as a category is that it means anything goes - whatever lets you complete the game the fastest. So I'd say go for it.

New South Wales, Australia

I wasn't aware of the combination either.

Shift+V to skip the biker fights and destruction derby will not be allowed in the Any% category. (Keeping consistent with the speedrun rules of the original game). I have added this to the list of rules for Any%.

A new speedrun category has been created. Any% (Shift+V Allowed). Please submit your run to this category.

Washington, USA

(The original game has this Shift+V trick as well)

What is the point of calling it any% if it's going to have restrictions on how you achieve any%? This would be NoSkip% or something, not any%, right?

New South Wales, Australia

Here are a few examples of other games placing in-game cheats into a separate category.

You'll see these cheat% categories often have faster completion times than any%.

I believe it would be best for our community to follow suit by: a: Continuing to disallow in-game cheat codes in Any% b: Introducing Cheat% as a separate category that allows cheat codes.

I will be renaming the "Any% (Shift+V Allowed)" category to "Cheat%" today. The instant credit warp cheat code will be disallowed in this category as will trainers and 3rd party tools.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 5 years ago
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