Need help creating a leadérboard. Specific problem.
8 months ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

The game Im talking about has 3 campaigns, each containing unique levels.

The problem here is that all the levels one creates apply for all sub categories (the different campaigns) as seen in the pictures below. How do I avoid this or work around it? Each campaign should have there own, unique levels.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 8 months ago
Czech Republic

As far as I know, you cannot do that. Categories belong in levels, not the other way around. You just need to list every level like we do in EBTR:

As you can see, we don't separate by cup (because it's impossible), and all the minigames are included in too. Categories which are impossible/redundant should be marked as such by verifying a run which says that the category is invalid, like so:

So, assuming 'First Blood' and 'Bring it Down' are in the 'Soldier' campaign, you would name the levels like so:

Soldier - First Blood
Soldier - Bring it Down
Soldier - Third Level Name
Spec Ops - First Level Name
Spec Ops - Second Level Name
Spec Ops - Third Level Name
Zombie - First Level Name
Zombie - Second Level Name
Zombie - Third Level Name
Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 8 months ago
Onscheli bunu beğeniyor
United States

A game I like to speedrun does not have a genre,

what should I do about it? Can I make my own? Could I request one to be made?

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 8 months ago