Hallo there
1 year ago

Greetings to the Greater speedrunning Community! I look forward to competing against some of you and congratulating others of you. I play quite a bit of the old school I worked around with Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Castlevania NES, a couple of Game Boy titles, and I'm working on Master Of Darkness on Game Gear. Last night I got a personal best that put me 24th on the Gargoyles Quest Gameboy leaderboards if I didn't use rewind on switch! You can check me out on Retro Overdose over at YouTube but I really don't post too terribly much. I look forward to joining the community and May the random numbers be in your favor

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 1 year ago
jackzfiml, Parasxos ve 3 diğerleri bunu beğendi
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

Welcome! [quote= TrevorDarksteel] May the random numbers be in your favour [/quote] That's going in my favorite phrases book

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 1 year ago
YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi

Hello!! Welcome and good luck!

Hello! Welcome to the speedrunning community! It's great to hear that you enjoy playing retro games and have achieved a personal best. The speedrunning community is a great way to connect with other gamers and share your passion for gaming. It's also a great way to challenge yourself and improve your skills. Best of luck to you in your future speedrunning endeavors!