New Category (Max Achievements in 1 Night?)
7 months ago
New South Wales, Australia

I tallied up all the achievements you can get in 1 night (Survival Mode), and I was wondering if it may be possible to add a category with this in mind. I don't know about one of the achievements, but in total, I have 10 achievements that can be obtained.

  • Are You There? (easy)
  • Honk! (easy)
  • A Salvage Stumped (easy)
  • Watch It! (easy)
  • G-G-Ghosts!! (medium)
  • An Absolute Unit of Blood (medium)
  • Bronze,
  • Silver,
  • Golden,
  • & Platinum Sonic (all completed throughout the course of the night)

The one I'm not sure about is Broken Record of Jumpscares. I've done it in the past, but I don't remember if it's completed upon being jumpscared or if it is only available when you go to the Jumpscares menu. If someone can educate me on this, that would be fantastic.

Thank you to whoever reads this!

Zanum bunu beğeniyor
New South Wales, Australia

On second thoughts, maybe having BRoJ would be a bad idea, because a single failed attempt would create a whole load of re-setup to be able to attempt this challenge again. Might be best to leave this out of it.

Zanum bunu beğeniyor
British Columbia, Canada

I Don't Think We'll Be Including That As A Category

Seems Kinda Unnecessary

New South Wales, Australia

Fair enough

Zanum bunu beğeniyor
New South Wales, Australia

What about a typing-based one? I know essentially everything there is needed to be known about the background workings of the game, and using Windows + R -> MMFApplications and opening up the FNaSMM file, you can change the state of all of the shop collectibles, achievements, all that sort of stuff. It's surprisingly easy.

Zanum bunu beğeniyor
New South Wales, Australia

This is an example of what happens when you put the right stuff into the console.

Zanum bunu beğeniyor
British Columbia, Canada


Zanum bunu beğeniyor
New South Wales, Australia

Fair enough

Zanum bunu beğeniyor
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Why All The Runs Have Vanished

Added A Variable For If You've Used Autoclickers Or Not

Currently Sorting Through Every Run To Add Them Into Their Respective Categories

2 years ago
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