All quests% specifications
6 years ago

Hello everyone! Long story short, I was thinking about routing an all quests% run for this game, but I wanted to know what everyone thought before I started.

Would you guys consider minor world objectives like "My car is broken" or the "fishing tests" as quests, or do you think quest% should just be the hunts or quests you get in town?

Personally, I'm inclined to say that world objectives should be included, since they ARE quests, but I wanted to make sure everyone was in agreement with this before I wasted my time looking for every broken down car on the map.

Thanks in advanced for your time.

United States

All means all.

Varsinais-Suomi, Finland

I agree. If you want to do all quests, it should include everything that you can get to the quest log without special requirements like DLC (I don't know if there actually are quests like that). If you want a category that only does hunts for example, you can do all hunts category or something.

Bunkahi bunu beğeniyor

just as a side note I routed plat% a while back and learned that the "my car is broken" quest is an infinite quest, the guide apparently confirms this. So there are a handful of NPC's that have broken cars and need the repair kit but after a while the quest refreshes and the same quest can be obtained and done infinitely so it would need removing. Further more this would mean doing all dungeons as those are quests, all the MSQ, The menace dungeons (good luck routing that without the ring of the Lucii) the adamatoise fight, All Vyv photo quests, all quests in insomnia if your playing royal edition, and the cup noodle quest, all of Whiz's chocobo quests the cactuar quest for Talcot, all fishing quest, All Sonia quest, all Dave quests, all weapon upgrades for Cid, the weapons of legend quest line (involves some very high level foes including Neglafar), Takkas quests, the 3 vendors in Lestallum all have quest chains, Every campsite tour quest, All imperial Bases (all but one are MSQ) all photo points for Prompto, the treasure map quest, all royal arms as those have quest but most are tied to dungeon quests. So its a huge undertaking and will pretty much be close to a 100% category, if you want to be really pedantic hunts fall under quests so they could be included but the community would have to deliberate on that and would most likely rule in favour of omitting hunts from the category.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 6 years ago
Bunkahi bunu beğeniyor

Yeah, repeating quests (like the car) are what I was afraid of, which is why I haven't done much other than a casual run through to refresh my memory, and deciding (coin flipping) what point I should just finish the story before finishing all of the quests

Personally, I'm inclined to add hunts as quests, but I definitely wouldn't fight against them being excluded. They would definitely be the hardest thing to route imo.

I guess my biggest concerns right now with routing are

  1. what everyone agrees should count as a quest,
  2. what point would it be faster to just finish the story,
  3. routing hunts to optimize rank upgrades,
  4. finding a website to double check I got EVERY secret-ish quest, like photo-op, camp quest, ect.
Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 6 years ago
United States

@Etrostormborn12 I'd be interested in that route. We can talk on Discord though because that'd be too much of a tangent for this particular thread.


@pretends2know I unfortunately don't have the route, I spent months routing it and the actually attmpted it and the trophy for getting gladiolus survival skill to level 10 is what killed it. I had every trophy at around the 17 hour mark, except this one and the real problem is this trophy. The Skill only levels up when Gladiolus and the group walk, through most of the run we jump, use the car, chocobos meaning when I had every other trophy he was only level 4. I tried doing the whole run running every where but It took me close to 3 hours to do chapter 1-2 doing this and then run would be very long and boring. If I remember correctly I timed running from Lestallum to the Duscae gas station and it was close to 40 minutes. The run would either be boring to watch or a case of a fun run which ends with us using rubber bands to run in circles for hours. I put it to the community and showed clips and we all said it isn't feasible due to this one trophy sadly. Also I used to be very active in discord but the update recently messed it up on my laptop

Bunkahi ve pretends2know bunu beğendi
United States

Thanks for the info @Etrostormborn12. My solution has from the get go to be to jam the controller and go to bed, but there's worse things I've seen speed runners stoop to pull something off. But your info does give me something to work with. If you salvage something from your routing, we can figure out a way to communicate regularly in that case.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 6 years ago
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