Want to learn
4 years ago

Hi, I want to learn FF7, PC any% (30 FPS)

I looked over the guides and resources section, and I understand I will have to learn them etc, but is there any guide that is basically a pseudo step by step, just so I can sit down and study it before practicing / while practicing.

I am autistic and direct guides are easier for me than bits and pieces to put together. I tried watching a full run and I picked up a little bit, but there is obviously no explanations on what's truly happening and why

I feel like I'm overcomplicating what I'm trying to say lol.

Any help would be great!

Also, is there a program to ensure 30FPS and what program should I use for splits (when I get to the point of running)


He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

This is the best guide for that category at the moment (there is a google doc link between the videos in there to the written guide): https://www.speedrun.com/ff7/guide/549d4

Also, here is the guide for setting up the 30 FPS cap with links for the downloads: https://www.speedrun.com/ff7/guide/5m4jc

I think most people use LiveSplit for doing splits (it's what I use as well).

Best of luck learning the run and hope this helps!

quetzington bunu beğeniyor

awesome! Appreciate the help! I found d13sel on youtube and he guided me to those too! Excited to start (after xmas lol)

RJTheDestroyer bunu beğeniyor
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