IL’s rule
7 years ago
Minnesota, USA

I’m gonna say right off the bat that if I sound stupid or stingy or something just tell me immediately. With that said; I think there should be a change to the IL rules. One of the rules are that the time starts after pressing begin this scenario. I think it should be right after you press start battle. Hear me out for a second. Sometimes when you go into a battle, your units are not what you want and are in bad positions. I think you should be able to arrange and pick your units how you want them before you start the speedrun. It just seems better. If I’m stupid or if I’m missing something please tell me because the last thing you need is a uneducated loser who ticks everyone off. Much thanks!

Pennsylvania, USA

IL's should also include new game+,And IGT also,Because in free mode,I can finish the Prologue in (17 seconds in game time),and it's consistent.

Minnesota, USA

I thought IL’s HAD to be done in New Game + though

The game doesn't tell you IGT until like Chapter 2 when you start a new game and having ILs for New Game I'm pretty sure wouldn't be worth tracking since. 1.) The game auto-saves once you complete the map and your level, EXP and such are saved, putting you at an advantage over another player. 2.) You could grind endlessly on earlier maps so you can complete later ILs in a New Game to clear out enemies faster, making that unfair and a complete mess to track. The implied setting is on "Free Mode" which is the New Game+ setting. ILs in this case would be better off left to be tracked up the impression of someone using Free Mode. One thing I should/will do is specify that since it seems that caused a bit of confusion.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 7 years ago
HeroOfTrainz bunu beğeniyor
Minnesota, USA

@bertin but do you still think that times should start at Scenerio Select? I still think you should have time to arrange your battle layout before time starts

No. Going by the in game timer you get in your results screen should suffice.

Minnesota, USA

I dunno, just having the time start at ‘Start this Scenerio’ just seeems unfair and awkward. I like the idea of using the in game timer, and only using NG+

Art_Izon bunu beğeniyor
Minnesota, USA

Protomagicalgirl, true, you have a great point there

Pennsylvania, USA

Well since it'll work like that,why not add the difficulty levels (easy,normal,hard,lunatic)?

HeroOfTrainz bunu beğeniyor
Pennsylvania, USA

Honestly, the difference in difficulty isn't a huge difference for the most part once characters are leveled and geared. It's not really worth it.

Minnesota, USA

@Alara, so what difficulty should the regular setting be? Normal?

So let's all come to a consensus here so we don't have any more confusion here. We use a timer outside of the IGT in the game to track our IL times when submitted? Preferably starting the timer after pressing "A" on the load screen right before the chapter actually begins? Or does anyone else have any more points to use IGT over an RTA timer?

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