Fantastic 4: Flame On, Or, How to Avoid Screen Locks
Fantastic 4: Flame On, Or, How to Avoid Screen Locks
Güncelleme tarihi 8 years ago tarafından venditta

Greetings speedrunners! My name is venditta, and this is my very first speedrunning guide! As well as the very first game I've ever attempted to speed run. We're going to take a look at Austrailian companty TORUS GAMES' wonderful little GBA game, FANTASTIC 4: FLAME ON. This is kind of a movie tie-in game, which is probably why it got mostly ignored. It released in 2005 to minimal fanfare. But man, something about this game just hit the spot for me. Maybe it was the silly snowboarding/motocross scenes, but I loved it. Please enjoy my first guide, and first speedrun. Oh, mad shoutouts to ZIMMYCAKES for running this game first!

FIRST, the timer starts when the runner presses start on the the YES for overwriting a file, or pressing start on an empty file.

TUTORIAL: Basically all you need to know about the tutorial is this: the wonderful wonderful START button. Any time text/chat comes up on the screen, pressing START will completely skip all the chat, without you having to spam A/B through it. But there's a problem. If you press START when there isn't a text/chat on the screen, you'll be sent to the ABYSMAL pause menu. This wastes minimum 4.5 seconds, and is a major major no-no. In my current run I manage to do it twice :(. Now, that you know the START button trick, the rest of the tutorial is simple. Reed wants to teach you how to be a human torch, so make sure you do the attack he wants at least once. When the first 3 enemies spawn, kill them all with regular punches, then jump and right-cannonball (from now on CB or CB'ing) by pressing the right directional pad, and the jump button while already in the air. The next group of enemies needs to be fireball'd. Head into the building and use both your special moves. TUTORIAL DONE!

1-1 WINTER WONDERLANDZ: Where's that hot nurse babe? We needed her for the sexs and stuff! AND SHE'S 9 MIN LATE? ALRIGHT! This stage introduces SCREEN LOCKS (just LOCKS from here on). LOCKS are when Johnny Storm (that's you bro, that FLAME ON guy), can't move any farther to the right during a platforming level without killing a few spawns of enemies. These take a ton of time, and are annnooooyyyinnnngg. So we try to skip every single one we can. The first skippable LOCK happens right after the cave in 1-1. After you CB out of the cave, you come to a screen with a snowy pitfall trap, and 4 trees, 2 of them in the center being taller. Walk to the right edge of that platform without falling off, and CB jump up onto the cabin roof. Continue along the cabin roofs to skip 2 more. The next, right up the hill after the check point, isn't avoidable as far as I can tell, but that's ok! Kill the flying goober and then super nova the rest of the dudes. Continue to the right until the screen locks again (LUCKILY THERE IS A SUPER SEXY NURSE HERE!) This is one of two lock screens in the game that are TIME BASED, instead of requiring you to kill all the enemies. Wait for the last skrull to drop and start CB'ing UP RIGHT. The next lock is unskippable, so just hammer it out. The miniboss of 1-1 is a SKRULL dude in a black outfit. You can easily slam that biaaaacchh with 3 kamehameha's. Flay past him and crush that first level!

TIME OUT! I GET TO ASSIGN SKILL POINTS?! That's right bud! For your first skill point, you'll want to drop it into flight. It'll help us get a couple extra LOCK SKIPS before the game stops letting us!

SNOWBOARDING: You know, I mapped the crap out of this, and it trying to get crazy with it is just too high risk for falling and losing time. The safest and easiest path seems to be far left. Do tricks on every possible high jump, and use you're boost while grinding. There are all kinds of fun, challenging paths through the trees for points, I might show them off, if I ever do a 100% run.

1-2 BOTTOM OF THE MOUNTAINZ: This level is GREAT for LOCK skips! Jump and CB upper right to the first platform, next to the skrull gunner. Then double CB upper right to the next cabin. Stop at the red ski lift wheel, and double CB up onto the cabin roof for your first LOCK skip (might as well call them LS from here on out.) single jump off the roof and go low into the cave system. Take that up as soon as you can, then travel right until you see a large wooden foundation. Stop at the first pillar and double CB jump straight up, level with the cabin door. YOU JUST LOCK SKIPPED AGAIN, SON. Then HAUL ASS to the right until you hit the checkpoint. STOP. RIGHT. THERE. This is the first LS you kind of have to be careful with. Without going over to the right, immediately double CB straight up, then hold right and you just LS'd like a pro. Next head straight right and take the higher cave path. CB to the right and save that lady. THANK YOU JOHNNY! You're welcome lady. Sorry I left you with a bunch of skrull dudes :(. Stick to the upper right until you break out of the cave. As soon as you see 2 pine trees. STOP! You need to double CB up over both trees for a nice little LS. Head right again. Wait, another cabin? That's right! Another LS!!! Stay high and take the roof over this one. Drop down for our SKRULL MINI BOSS again, 3 kamehameha's and he's toast city. Head right and down to crush this level out!

MORE SKILL POINTZ?!?!?!?! Yeah son, that's right. Pop another point into FLIGHT, because you gonna be crusin high, mah man.

2-1 DA CITY STREETZ: This is maybe my favorite level for LS. So many great ones. Start by CB'ing UP, RIGHT, RIGHT then hold right. FIRST LS DONE! Next you're looking for a flying dude next to a neon sign that says NOV, and a fence. At the fence, CB UP, UP RIGHT, UP RIGHT. Then speed down into the sewer after you grab that seeeeexxxyyyy nurse. There's a forced LOCK down here, so just crush it and head out. Now we get a taste of the SCIENTIST MINIBOSS!!! This is the easiest punk in the game for sursies. Press start to skip his text, then immediately KAMEHAMEHA him for an instant kill. Skip his second text and move right. Stop at the nurse, directly before the checkpoint. At the nurse, CB UP, UP, RIGHT, RIGHT for a really nice LS. Hit the ground and walk right until you see the door with the number 23 on it. From that door, CB UP UP RIGHT RIGHT for another LS. Then head right until you come to a part of the ground that is on an upwards slope. Half way up that slope we're going to do another CB, UP UP RIGHT RIGHT for yet another LS. That should land you directly onto of a wonddderrrrffuuulll nurse, watching some skrull gunner's play b-ball. Keep heading right until you get to the RED CAR. Walk directly into it's hood, then CB UP UP RIGHT, then roll down into the subway again. This time there's no LOCK in the subway, so fly through that sucka as quickly as possible, then spam super nova to crush the unskippable final LOCK screen, and head on to MOTOR BIKE STUFFS.

MOTOTOTOTOTOCROSSSSSS: CROTCH THRUST FOR THE ADORING FANS. This mini-game is fun and easy, so go and crotch-thrust your way to victory!

2-2 BACK TO THE STREETZ: Straight from strat, CB UP RIGHT and then slight RIGHT. You want to go about HALF WAY throught the 2nd black window, then drop straight down. If done right, you can skip 2 lock screens. Immediately CB UP RIGHT RIGHT. Then platform STRAIGHT UP from the truck as quick as you can. Once you make it to the roof, position yourself directly to the right of the BLUE skrull gunner, and CB UP UP RIGHT and hold right for the last LS of the level. For the rest, roll right as quick as possible, and crush out the 3 unskippable locks. Make sure to say HI to the two super hottie nurses conveniently waiting for you hundreds feet in the air on top of massive red construction cranes. Keep at least 1 kamehameha for another encounter with the SCIENTIST SKRULL. KAME HAME HAA HAA HAA his skrull skull and shoot on ourt to the first flying level.

SKILL POINT NUMBA THREEE. I usually pop this one into FIREBALL, just to start capping it out for the later levels, when we're forced to fight a lot more dudes (and robots!) Plus this gives you a little boost to the Gargoyle dude boss fight thing.

FLYING LEVEL: Alright, this is one of 4 flying levels in the game, and are def a speed runners nightmare. At least it's a little break, kill the guys that don't travel out of the screen and you'll be alright.

GARGOYLE BOSS GUY FIGHT THING: Keep him on your screen at all times, remember to move a little extra when he uses his tail swipe, as it can travel the length of the screen and a little extra. Use your fireballs and kamehameha to your advantage and take him to brown town asap.

SKILL POINTS AGAINZ. Dop this last puppy into flight+ charge, last point for this one. It'll help us skip a few more lock screens before the end.

3-1 EASTER ISLAND PARADISEZ: From strating position, CB UP UP RIGHT RIGHT for your first lock skip. Try to land right on the points, at root of the palm tree that's leaning hard to the left. From that spot, CB UP RIGHT and another great LS for you. Try to land RIGHT on the BEAUUUUTTTIIIIIFFFUUULLL nurse, at the beginning of the wooden dock. From directly on top of that wonderful nurse lady, CB UP RIGHT RIGHT for the last LS of this section. Powerhouse speed town straight to the right and fight through 2 lock screens. Crush the ruins LOCK quickly with a couple of super novas. After the ruins lock, CB UP UP RIGHT for the 2nd TIME BASED lock in the game. Head up and right, using the A+B charge attack to slam through all the blocking doors. Indiana Jones it to the right, then push forward and upper right until you get to a platform with what looks like a bunch of gargoyle guys. DON'T STEP ON THE PLATFORM! Go below for a nice little LS. Head right through the slam door for another encounter with our SCIENTIST SKRULL bud, Kame to the hame to the ha right up in his sciency head, my dawg. Rush right through the lava for the end of the stage.

3-1 VOLCANO VOLCANO VOLCANO: This part is fun! Straight from start, CB RIGHT, UP RIGHT (right onto the RED TURRET) then contintue to CB UP UP then drift right. If done correctly, you can be up and out of the temple in one cycle, with a good looking lady nurse lady right there to chat you up! From the nurse, CB UP RIGHT, UP RIGHT, UP RIGHT, UPRIGHT to avoid another LOCK! Power down right into the temple, then roll on the through favoring top right, you'll see one of our FAVORITE NURSES after a false floor pitfall trap, then down and continuing to the right it is. SLAM the SLAM DOOR into the checkpoint and we get to mess with the SCIENTIST SKRULL once again. Guess what? That's right, KAMEHAMEHA that sonnuvvaabeeecccchhhh. Indiana Jones it once again, spamming CB UP and UP RIGHT. Grab the nurse above the turret and keep crushing right. 2 more lock screens and you'll be done this level. Supernove the first lock twice, then head right and up for one more lock screen before the slam door and the end of the stage.

SKILLS OF POINTS. Now I like to pop another point into FIREBALL. Bringing that samage up for the Industrial Zone, where we'll have to kill a lot more dudes.

3-3 FLYING STAGE?!? AGAIN???? You can figure this one out, speedrunners! This stage is cool simply because the sun goes down during the stage, looks great!

3-4 SPEAR-GUY BOSS FIGHT! Aww man, I love spear guy! His fight seems so overwhelming the first time you face him, then you realize that the hit boxes for his attacks are super super kind. For this one, look up a video of someone taking him out, or just try him a couple of times. Keep behind him and spam your fireballs while giving him a kamehameha when it's safe. Beat him so you can spend another

SKILL POINTTTTTTT. You guessed it! Put this one into FIREBALL again, so we can take out those INDUSTRIAL ROBOT GUYS!

4-1 OH GOD NOT ANOTHER FLYING STAAAGGGEEEE: Yup. Fly to the right, shoot things to level your super nova. Super nova things. Spend 1:20 flying to the BIGGEST BUILDING JOHNNY HAS EVER SEEN!

4-2 THE INDUSTRIAL ZONEZ: You know, I like these zones. If only because EVERY SINGLE LOCK SCREEN has a lovely nurse. Well, except for the second one. So now there are much more locks that are unskippable, and other's I've only been able to duplicate once or twice. For now, spam CB right until the first set of scaffolding. Fireball the pants off these robots, flirt with the nurse if you need to, then roll right. You'll immediately run into another lock, spam the fireball and you'll be totally safe. The next part is tough, you've got some acid showers up here. What you need to do is CB float, UP RIGHT UP RIGHT directly in the ceiling platform of the acid shower, staying below the robots but above the acid shower heads. Then spam CB RIGHT and CB UP RIGHT until you get to another set of scaffolding. Yup, another unskippable lock. Kill them robots, then let me know when you're done. Done? Now? Oh, you finished a while ago, you're just talking to that nurse! There's a couple more skippable locks in this stage, just keep CB'ing UP RIGHT and banging Johnny's head on the interior room ceilings to avoid most of them. You'll be forced to take one lock with some tough robots. Spam your super nova, since there is no boss for this stage. YOU MADE IT! That was the first tough level, got a couple more to go!

LAST SKILL POINT THAT MATTERS! Alrighty guys, put this skill point into FIREBALL, maxing out the power for that ability. From here on out, it's your choice what you'd like to put your skill points into. I usually go health to make the last two levels a little big easier, but I haven't tried too many combinations yet.

4-3 SO FREAKING INDUSTRIAL: Red garage door mean SPAM CB RIGHT until you see a super sweetheart nurse. Hop up and say hi, then spam right until you lock. Kill the bots with FIREBALLS, using the platforms to protect yourself while attacking. Finish the lock and CB UP RIGHT. Up right into another LOCK that is! HA! Fight it out then stop and listen up. The next part is tough, but you can avoid 2 locks if you can get it right. Right after the 2nd lock releases, walk straight right (passed the olive green sword robot) and fall, slightly to the left, then fall again, slightly to the left. You should land right on a great looking nurse. Here's where it gets tough, you have to drop down now, then CB up and right as soon as you pass below the ceiling. Keep CB UP RIGHT until you make it half way through the fence. You just skipped a lock! Next you've got 2 Acid Showers into lava (for some reason). CB RIGHT through the first one, then just before the second one, start CB UP RIGHT real hard. Don't let up, hitting Johnny's head on the ceiling, until you run out of CB's. Then work your way up, left, up then back right until you get to another lock. Fireball and collision management with platforms to crush it out. Move right and fall to grab the check point. Now you'll want to take the low path from the check point to avoid a lock. Careful here, the sword robot and the electric beams do some pretty intense damage, and if you haven't pumped your health that all, that can be dangerous! That will force you to save one of only 2 DUDES we save in the entire run. We're not here to save dudes from glass jars, we're here to flirt with thousands of nurses. Move right and up to another lock. Luckily there's a nurse there to guide us to our zen place of FIREBALLING ROBOTS INTO OBLIVION. Spam CB UP RIGHT over and over until the stage is over, no more locks. WAY TO GO BRO/SIS!

4-4 GALACTAKISS Man, we've put so many points into our fireball, we are like a fireball producing champion at this point. Galactis boss is a joke with max fireballs. For the first phase, stick to the right wall and CB UP, spam fireballs to the right to kill both chains in one cycle. Do the same in the second phase, using super nova when the projectiles become to much for you. For the third phase, stand to the very right and just spam fireball to right right. When Galactis' eyes open, hit him with a super nova then continue fireballing. Easiest boss of the run. Fun and fun looking too!

5-1 ITS A NUKE Fly again, this time a bomb is chasing you. Kill stuff, don't hit the bomb. You can optimize this level yourself.

5-2 and 5-3 ALIEN SHIPS AND THE PEOPLE THEY ABDUCT: Still working on obtimizing these stages, I've only found a couple of lock skips, can you find any more?

5-4 SUPER SKRULLZ SKILLZ There's a nice trick to beating Super Skrull, check out my runs to see the easiest way I've found to beat him!

At the time of writing this, I just finished my second full run of the game with a final time of 48:08. I missed 2 locks and died once. I think I could probably bring it down 5-6 minutes with practice.

What a treat! This was the very first game that I have ever speedrun, strat built, or routed ever. I was and am totally inspired by GAMES DONE QUICK, and especially the week long AWESOME GAMES DONE QUICK events for charity. I watched and loved it last year, and this year decided to try my hand. I plan on learning and optimizing a couple more MARVEL game boy advance games. What do you think? How was my first guide? Let me know!

Mucho mucho mucho love! Hope you enjoyed this super little game, especially that awesome ending screen! MAJOR PROPS TO TORUS GAMES! Bill and Kevin McIntosh, awesome awesome art direction by Marcus Mestrov, design by Ben Evans, and awesome programming direction by Peter Suwara. Looking forward to playing more games by these guys! Thanks for reading/watching/running!

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