Yayınlanma tarihi 9 months ago tarafından

No Major Glitches rules were updated to include all disallowed glitches instead of all allowed glitches. Hopefully that makes this category less confusing. Also running with TVs in Level 188 Expanded is allowed with these new rules.

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Yayınlanma tarihi 11 months ago tarafından

@theframeburglar cooked up a new autosplitter update that brings it to older version and adds new features: pausing timer while loading and autosplitter for non-hosts! Starting from 03/29/2024 ALL new runs on ALL updates will require the autosplitter (update 1 ILs will still be timed using the in-game timer).

You can access the new autosplitter by deactivating and reactivating in Edit Splits. Get the autosplitter, if you didn't already -> https://www.speedrun.com/etb/news/nx9nm539

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Yayınlanma tarihi 1 year ago tarafından

A new skip was found that used multiple game instances to skip office, lights out, cave system, and field of wheat. This would now make 4-5 game instances necessary for the most optimal run. Obviously, there are issues with this, so we have decided to ban multiple game instance strategies. We see this is the best solution for our leaderboards. Our reasons being:

  1. The most optimal time would require around 4-5 game instances

  2. Banning new skips is weird when the underlying issue of why people want them banned is because it requires extra game instances

  3. Not everybodys computer can run multiple game instances well

  4. Multiple game instances are hard to set up in OBS

  5. Can be argued that its not necessarily solo since you are controlling multiple players by yourself

Note: this ban does not affect older versions any%.

We understand this is something not everyone wants, but we believe it was the best option.

If you would want to run a separate category that allows multiple game instances, please let us know because we fear that no one will run it if we do add it

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Yayınlanma tarihi 1 year ago tarafından

With the release of Update 4 we made some changes to the leaderboard.

Why the long waiting time?

Unlike other updates where we simply add more content depending on whatever fancy gives us, this time we went ahead and changed the entirety of the known Update Variable System. Since we all know that it sucks to have categories that are unable to be played, we went ahead and edited over 2 thousand runs in total! (most of them manually)

This sadly still didn't make us able to include this system into every single subcategory but for now the most visible changes are in Items and IL.

What exactly is new?

For a start we went ahead and worked on making Any% more simple for new people. And thus it now fully works without a version variable with the Main Story having been completed fully.

Aside from that we discontinued Any% Glitchless. We figured that it simply was not fun to get your run denied for picking up tapes through a wall for example. As a replacement we now have No Major Glitches. (in short NMG)

NMG isn't much different from Glitchless, apart from the fact that we are allowed to be a bit more forgiving with the rules and what counts as a major glitch. This should make it a lot easier for new people to start with speedrunning.

Aside from all of that. Death% and Items got new content to check out in your free time.

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Yayınlanma tarihi 1 year ago tarafından

Incase you didnt yet definitely check out our MODDING BOARD

4 Brand new Mods

- No Entities (made by Gaming Beast)
- Backwards (made by Reokin)
    - (Replaces the BFG CE Category)
- Minecraft (made by devastator7d)
- Parkour Map 1 (made by Reokin)

With more about to follow...

Side News

  • We are aware of the Autosplitter not working in the newest patch of ETB. The issue is being worked on but may take a longer time depending on how deep the error really is. In the meantime use the tutorial on our Discord to downpatch your game.

  • Levels/Versions which are unable to be played are now marked as "N/A"

Extra Side News

Consider becoming a Speedrun Verifier if you want to help out the team.

If you have any concerns or see any mistakes message one of the Super Moderators.

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Yayınlanma tarihi 1 year ago tarafından

The autosplitter for the game has finally been completed and is fully accessible over Livesplit.

To activate the autosplitter directly in Livesplit follow the instructions below.

  1. Right click Livesplit > Edit Splits
  2. Type "Escape the Backrooms" into the game name. The window should update to say "Autosplitter and load removal is available by Xero".
  3. Click the Activate button if it is not already activated.
  4. In the splits editor, you should have one split per level; the autosplitter will split on each loading screen.
  5. Hit OK to save settings.
  6. Right click Livesplit > Compare Against > Game Time

The Autosplitter will become mandatory by next Thursday (29th of June) meaning all runs that are being submitted past that date without the autosplitter being used will no longer be verified.

For Multiplayer the HOST of your lobby has to use the Autosplitter.

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Yayınlanma tarihi 1 year ago tarafından

One entire team switch later, and I remember that this news site exists.

So for those of you that aren't already on the discord, there are a few things that you missed regarding everything, if I am honest. So where do I start with this...

1. You sadly have to say goodbye to your wwilliam newspaper updates. A lot has happened inside the team and many old members have left us. (mostly peaceful endings) So for now you will have to read my announcements.

2. In case some of you didn't notice yet, (how?) we got a few new run categories. For example, we got Glitchless or Skipless. And even more important, we have had VR runs set up for quite a while now.

3. Verifier Applications are still open and will remain open indefinitely as the team constantly changes. We always welcome new faces. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc4aiNNs1_8irmV8FSi0_G5fqOsImsNj0TnBtwfjmVOB-k_sQ/viewform

4. Join our Discord. Because at this pace, the next announcement will be in a decade, plus the discord has way more information about everything important. https://discord.gg/6HSRuuxGqr

5. Category Extension does still get updated, and it's worth checking out sometime as well. (On the discord server you can also suggest new categories for it)

6. There will be no Collaboration with the official Escape the Backrooms Wiki. As much as we would love making a list of speedrunning strats and everything there, it will not happen. At least not on the official wiki.

And that would be about it today. Not that much now that I look at it. Wait did I forget something-

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Yayınlanma tarihi 2 years ago tarafından

Hello Backroom Escapees!

We'd like to happily announce that our Verifier applications are now open for you to apply for. We are looking for a few individuals to join the team to keep up with the amount of submissions we receive.

If you wish to apply, you can find the link to the application form below.


For more information regarding the verifier apps, join our discord below.


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Yayınlanma tarihi 2 years ago tarafından

Hello Backroom Escapees!

We'd like to happily announce that our category extension for Escape The Backrooms is now open for you guys to speedrun on! You can find the link to the category extension below.


Here's whats included in the Category Extension:

[] Longest Bhop% [] Bookshelf% [] All Levels All Difficulties% [] Winstreak%

These are the main 4 we have as of right now, however we plan on adding much more, with the help of you guys. We are actively taking suggestions for what to be added onto the category extension, and we have lots more ready to add soon. To make some suggestions that could be considered into the Category Extension, join our discord below!


That's all for now, have an (early) happy new year everyone!

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Yayınlanma tarihi 2 years ago tarafından

Hello Backroom Escapees!

It's been a little while since our last news update, however now they are here! Here's the changelog:

CHANGES: [] We've removed Glitchless/Glitched categories, and officially moved everything into variables in the Any% category to prevent clutter. [] Upped Level% player count from 2 players to 4 players. [] Nightmare mode can now be ran in solos, duos and trios. [] Revamped the Death% category, you can now run death% for any specific entity. [~] Removed Community Mod Category due to inactivity.

CATEGORY EXTENSION: Along with these changes, we have put in a request to speedrun.com to get a Category Extension for Escape The Backrooms. The category extension leaderboards will be used for meme categories, challenges, and other things that would not generally be added onto the main leaderboards. We already have a few ideas in mind for the category extension, but we'd like to hear your guys' opinion on them. Alongside this, we will also be taking suggestions from our community to add them onto the category extension. More information on this can be found in our discord.


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Yayınlanma tarihi 2 years ago tarafından

Hello Backroom Escapees!

We have added new categories! And level run variations! Here's the changelog:

MISCELLANEOUS: All levels that no description as additional rules now have this instead "No additional specific rules to this category.

All level descriptions for full game runs with multiple people that did not have one before now say "Difficulty must be set to easy mode."

Added Rule 7 - Dictates when you should start/end Your LiveSplit timer for both full game as well as individual level runs.


Level 0:

  • split categories so now you can either run pitfalls or normal exit.

Habitable Zone

  • split categories so you can either go to the nearest exit to the left or the one on the topright of the map.

CATEGORIES: Deleted Glitchless ASL as it's not currently possible to even perform.

That'd be all! Hope you like these.

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Yayınlanma tarihi 2 years ago tarafından

A lot of people submitted their 4man nightmare runs that include people doing the "end entity desk glitch". This is considered a glitch, the general rule to go off of is this:

Entities getting stuck on each other is not a glitch, but entities getting stuck on level geometry is a glitch. By stuck we mean that they are not able to move. This is why going through chairs to attract entities in level fun does not count as a glitch.

TL;DR - If it breaks the entity's pathfinding it's a glitch.

Thank you for understanding! Feel free to discuss this either in the forums or the discord server.

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Yayınlanma tarihi 2 years ago tarafından

Hi, As you can pretty clearly see this community is pretty new. We're still figuring stuff out so the rules might shift around a bit but fret not, we will get through all submissions. Hope you have fun speedrunning, go wander the backrooms people!

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En Son Haberler
No Major Glitches rules revamp

No Major Glitches rules were updated to include all disallowed glitches instead of all allowed glitches. Hopefully that makes this category less confusing. Also running with TVs in Level 188 Expanded is allowed with these new rules.

9 months ago
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