Thoughts on "Talk to All the Cats" Run?
2 months ago
California, USA

Could maybe start once you talk to the first cat after getting the suit, or start from the beginning.

Going to start working on getting a total cat count but wondering if this is something anyone other than myself has thought about.

Kalos_Power_Plant bunu beğeniyor

We could also add speak to all NPCs or complete all side quests


One problem with this is there is techincally 2 cats out of bounds that are located in Null where they are impossible to reach to, but other than that the Discord has been talking about a Cat% for a while

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Theres 26 reachable cats. Weve already discussed this in the discord and did some small routing. Problem is that cat suit quest only appears after beating HC.

United States

I would love a "talk to all cats" category!

United States

Cat % potential "cat"egory extension yes!

United States

yes def interested in cat any%. side quests too