Updated Any% route notes (English)
2 years ago
Texas, USA

Was gonna put this in Guides but I don't seem to be able to For the past 2 weeks or so I've been working on in-depth English notes for the Any% route and I'm proud to say I'm finally done https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GQREOne5QN2Hd16dDl73IjV1Mz6nDEekXO-0aQvr9HY/edit?usp=sharing This would not be nearly as complete as it is without ramaha's write-up, I can't read Japanese but I could discern the HP for the bosses so thank you, ramaha so much for including that information

Noob7337, Peace2drive, ve ramaha bunu beğendi
Kanagawa, Japan

Thank you for the English translation!

If you don't understand something, ask me anything!

Noob7337 ve Frikkinfriks14 bunu beğendi

You a legend for this

Frikkinfriks14 bunu beğeniyor
United States

Hi Frikkinfriks! Your Discord invite link in the guide is invalid!

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 1 year ago
Texas, USA

@xDuosionare Sorry I'm 5 months late to this, the invite definitely works but the verification level for the server was set a bit high so that should be fixed now. If you still can't join, make sure your account has a verified email.

Also for everyone's convenience, I now have the server linked on this page and not just in the guide.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 1 year ago
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