NG+ Vergil in 1h 02m 18s by
Lider Tablosu
NG+ Vergil
Platform subcategory
Devil Hunter

Load Removed Time
1h 02m 18s
Real Time Attack
1h 05m 55s
Zaman dilimleri
# | İsim | Bölünme | Tamamlandı |
1 | M1 - Groots Altın | 0m 41s 486ms | 0m 41s 486ms |
2 | M2 - Pumbaa Altın | 4m 00s 317ms | 4m 41s 803ms |
3 | M3 - Evil Angel Altın | 3m 46s 798ms | 8m 28s 601ms |
4 | M4 - Shawarma Guy | 3m 03s 582ms | 11m 32s 183ms |
5 | M5 - Dark Cavalry Altın | 3m 50s 566ms | 15m 22s 749ms |
6 | M6 - Spiderpig | 1m 06s 346ms | 16m 29s 095ms |
7 | M7 - Showtime | 4m 55s 032ms | 21m 24s 127ms |
8 | M8 - Finish Me! Altın | 5m 34s 399ms | 26m 58s 526ms |
9 | M9 - Nobodies | 4m 14s 579ms | 31m 13s 105ms |
10 | M10 - Urizen SITT Altın | 5m 34s 179ms | 36m 47s 284ms |
11 | M11 - Cavaliere | 3m 52s 848ms | 40m 40s 132ms |
12 | M12 - Urizen SUTANDO Altın | 4m 13s 049ms | 44m 53s 181ms |
13 | M13 - Pull Me Under! | 2m 11s 846ms | 47m 05s 027ms |
14 | M14 - Boss Rush | 3m 36s 454ms | 50m 41s 481ms |
15 | M15 - Chicken Nugget | 4m 15s 768ms | 54m 57s 249ms |
16 | M16 - Dogeee | 4m 10s 177ms | 59m 07s 426ms |
17 | M17 - Attack on Titan | 1m 18s 983ms | 1h 00m 26s 409ms |
18 | M18 - Pets Altın | 2m 43s 179ms | 1h 03m 09s 588ms |
19 | M19 - H O T | 1m 05s 136ms | 1h 04m 14s 724ms |
20 | M20 - Bury The Light | 1m 40s 987ms | 1h 05m 55s 711ms |
Clarification regarding rules for Bloody Palace
Recently we have received some submissions for Bloody Palace that do not show the title screen of the game (the one where Nero is standing with his back to the camera). As such, the verbiage in the rules has been changed from, "Runners are required to show footage of the title screen in their submi
Son koşular
Seviye: Bloody Palace
Seviye: Floor 101 - Vergil
Seviye: Floor 100 - Urizen (Final)
Seviye: Floor 99 - Urizen (Standing)
Seviye: Floor 98 - Urizen (Sitting)