Proposing rule amendments to full game and Season 1 runs
7 months ago

So it's been brought up recently that it's possible to grind level outside of starting the career mode before starting full game and season 1 runs by doing online mode, which would gain a significant timesave as it would skip a lot of the unlock prompts. I'm looking to open up a discussion as to whether this should be allowed, similar to setting difficulty and assists in single player before starting runs.

I'm of the preference of not allowing it, as it would make running full game and individual season runs a pure grindfest to grind rank 30 before even beginning to run, making the barrier for entry stupidly high. This would also make those categories completely uncompetitive if online servers ever go down like they did for the GFWL version, as grinding rank online is the avenue that was brought up.

The proposed amendment would read something like "Full game and Season 1 runs must start at rank 0, with no prior rank points gain". Seasons 2 and beyond would be unenforceable as there's no guarantee on what rank you'd be for those when finishing previous seasons. This amendment would also not affect any runs currently occupying the affected categories so no runs would need to be removed.

Please reply in this thread if you have any comment or if you have any reasons to disagree to this proposed rule amendment, thank you.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 7 months ago
R3dField ve FiRY2 bunu beğendi

I would probably be against it tbh, mostly because of the "if servers go down" part. If that happens, and someone uploaded a run with the grinded levels, either it has to be removed (oof for the record holder) or kept up (oof for the rest of the competition)

Shiinyu ve DdariQ bunu beğendi

As FiRY2 said. What happens if the servers go down? For me, it's not option (or a category extension if anyone wants it)

FiRY2 bunu beğeniyor

I am of the same opinion as the guys above me, this should not be allowed.

FiRY2 bunu beğeniyor

i think for season 1 should be allowed, but not allowed for any%

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