General strategies to beat the game fast
General strategies to beat the game fast
Güncelleme tarihi 3 years ago tarafından Klausbdl

Hey, I'm Klausbdl, one of the creators of the game. In this guide, I'll provide some tips to beat the game faster in any category. Let's get started.

0: Skip dialogues You can smash the E key to skip any dialogue.

1: Start running After the cutscene ends, you can start running to Phil while the webpage is being shown. That can save some precious seconds as you don't have to wait for it to go away.

2: First 2nd floor, then 1st floor After talking to Phil, you'll recieve a set of 5 random tasks. Prioritize the ones in the far back of the second floor and then the far back of the first floor. That way you wi'll be closed to the fuse box room for the next stage.

3: First 1st floor, then 2nd floor On the second stage, after the lights come back on, you can do the same thing you did in step 2. Prioritize the far back tasks in the 1st floor first, then rush to the second floor and do the tasks all the way to the end of the hallway, as you wi'll be closer to the room 2.0 i, where the next steps takes.

4: The chase Let me get this straight: you can trap the monster in any room. Yeah, just lure it, run around a table and close the door on the exit of the room. Now you're done. Don't even bother panicing when a roomba traps you.

That's it! Hope it helps in some way.

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