Hello everyone,
It's been already 6 months since Crisis Core Reunion release, hope you all have had fun with the game and running during this months. It has been also enough time to see where we are and where we should move on, so we have decided to introduce a few changes on the boards to keep them more organized and clean.
All Achievements The board has been deleted. There's no reason to keep an empty category on the boards with no real interest, altought this doesn't mean that a completionist category won't exist anymore, it can be added in the future if people really want to run it, we will be so happy if that so.
Console Merge Consoles had a split between 60fps and 30fps when we created the boards, the reason was to give an even field to the last gen console runners. With all the boards and difficulties combined there has been only 5 total runs submitted into the 30fps categories so there's no real reason to keep that split anymore, also SRC already includes filters by hardware.
Any% w/ Manip The category has been promoted to the main boards. Since there's real interest about the category by some runners we have decided to promote it from miscellanous to the main boards as we promised.
Thanks for reading and happy running!
- Mamba (on behalf the mod team)
Hello everyone!
As you know a manipulation to level-up on the 1st fight of the game was found recently and that lead to open a vote and revisit the ruleset due to the nature of this manipulation, its a pre-new game manipulation, that means, the setup is done prior to start the timer.
We have added some clauses to the ruleset that makes everything more objective and less interpretative.
This rules applys to ALL the categories:
- All runs must be single segment
- The use of keyboard macros is banned
This rule applys to Any% and Level 6 categories:
- Hard reset is required. Launch of the game must be shown on the submission
Any% and Level 6 runs now require a Hard Reset, meaning that PC has to show the Autosave prompt when booting up the game while Console Runs need to start their recording no later than booting up the game. This is to ensure that no manipulation has been performed neither accidentally nor intentionally and future-proofs and potential issues with future pre-game manipulations.
In extension a new category has been added, called "Any% Manip", this category allows the pre-new game manipulation. The new category will be moved to the Miscellaneous categories for now and will remain that way should it be generally accepted.
That's all, thanks for reading everyone, make sure you join the Discord to stay connected with the community.
- Mamba (in behalf of the moderation team)
Now that Reunion has been out for 10 days it's finally time to officially open up the Leaderboards for submissions! The initial categories will be:
Any% NG+ Any% Level 6 All Achievements
Both difficulties are available (Except for All Achievements) and platforms will be split between PC, Console 60fps (All XBox Consoles and PS5) and Console 30fps (PS4, PS4 Pro and Switch). This allows for fair competition between the platforms without clogging up the leaderboards with countless categories as PS4 and Switch have significantly slower loads compared to the other consoles. PC will remain it's own category due to PC being able to use a load remover to even the playing field for all runners.
The load remover for PC is also official now! You can implement it through your layout by downloading the .asl file manually from the discord or add it to your splits by downloading it through LiveSplit directly. It does not split automatically yet, though this will be added in the future.
Regarding the DLC: The Preorder DLC (Dark Fire, Dark Blizzard and Dark Thunder) are banned from usage as those are not obtainable anymore if you did not purchase the game before release. You can deactivate the DLC or, if you can't deactivate it, make sure you don't use these spells throughout the run.
Category names as well as the way platforms are split are subject to change in the future, nothing is set in stone and can be changed as time goes on. We're open to suggestions and opinions regarding this decision, feel free to post it in the forums on src or the community discord. We hope that you enjoy your time in this community as a runner, router, giltch-hunter and spectator.
-The moderation team of Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion
Hello everyone! To make sure that people have enough time to develop strategies as well as give us as a community enough time to develop a concise ruleset for this game we decided to put an embargo on leaderboard submissions until the 23rd of December. This embargo also allows us to find someone to make a loadremover for this game on PC. Furthermore we will be able determine on how to handle the variety of platforms for this game as we'll have 10 different platforms to accommodate for. Lastly we wanted to thank everyone for you interest in the Crisis Core Speedrun. We are looking forward to see you running this game and being part of the community. Make sure to join the discord to stay connected with the community!
Thank you for reading
- desa (on behalf of the moderation team)