Useful passwords for practice
7 years ago
Ontario, Canada

△△△△×◻△△ △△◻×△◯△△ △◯◻△×××× Everything is done and unlocked. 100% complete.

△△×△◯◯◻△ ◻◯◻△◻◻×◯ ◻◻△◻××△△ All main levels unlocked + The Lost City’s green gem is collected. This password is useful for any% practice as all the levels are unlocked, and the green gem is collected so you can get the lives in Castle Machinery for practicing. By having no other gems unlocked, the box screen still shows up at the end so you can practice carrying the cycles from the Rolling Stones death abuse to Native Fortress (global cycles still run during the Hog Wild box screen that is not skipped).

△△×△△◯×△ ◻×◯◻◯◻×◯ ◻◻△◻◯△◻× All main levels unlocked, and no gems or keys are collected. Not recommended for practicing unless you are on emulator and have save states, as you will run out of lives quick and have to keep continuing after game overs before being able to continue practicing. However, this can be used for practicing The Lost City and Temple Ruins cycles that you carry from Up The Creek in any% (global cycles still run during the gem screen in The Lost City).

△△×◻△◻◻× △△◻×△◻◻× △××△◻××◻ Everything is complete except for the Jaws Of Darkness Cortex Bonus, so it can be practiced.

△△△◯×◻◻× △△◻×△◯◯△ △×◯◻△××◻ Everything is complete except for the Sunset Vista Cortex Bonus, so it can be practiced.

Oct 2020 password generator by dass:

There are lots of other passwords that could be useful, but these are the ones that I think people will use the most. If you need a password but you don't think other people will need it, try out the password generator linked above!

Password generator tool by Dezgeg:

Forum post about the password generator with level codes, etc:

Github for the password generator:

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 4 years ago
IvanderLatidjan, VENGENZ ve 4 diğerleri bunu beğendi
São Paulo, Brazil

Thank you for this.

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