Yayınlanma tarihi 10 months ago tarafından

Timing rules change!

I've noticed that on iOS versions of the game (thanks @Act_) , levels don't load in by appearing, but by sliding the screen in to the right, which is different from previous level loading method and can cause random timelosses, so timing rules have been changed in favour to runners on all platforms:

Time starts after activating the ball for the first time (when Power-Ups become colored)

Time ends upon destroying last brick (when Power-Ups grey out)

Timing rules have been changed for both IL and full-game runs, all the existing runs on the leaderboard have been retimed. Additional note: "for the first time" was specified, to not confuse runners about Deaths counting towards the final time (they do count).

Leave a comment if you have any feedback regarding the changes!

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Yayınlanma tarihi 11 months ago tarafından

Looks like this game's getting some traction, so here are new changes for the leaderboard to make it more appealing/fair:

  • In-depth category objectives/rules explanation
  • Added new category! " No Stars :( "
  • New game-fitting theme (logo, bg colors, trophies)

Leave a comment if you have any feedback regards the changes! (And yes, I do know about broken levels sortment)

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