Rules Update (25th Feb 2018)
7 years ago
United Kingdom

Hi All, Just to let you know of a few changes that have taken place for this game.

First of all, the timing rules have been altered to start on difficulty selection, and end on last enemy hit in the credits. The 3:45 timer offset allowance has been removed.

Secondly, Switch has been added as a platform (Or rather, this was done on the day the port was released), however for now Amiibo is banned. There is a possibility for adding it as a separate category in the future, however I think we're already pretty divided up for this game so we'll see if any interest comes of it before adding anything.

Third, Characters are now Sub-categories for each of the runs, and 1st Climax has been added, so we now cover every difficulty and character individually.

Last I'd like to welcome Worsel5 on as a new moderator, as the community for this game has really picked up recently so we feel we needed someone else in to give us a hand.

If you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to message one of us privately, post on the forums, or join the discord for speedrunning this game (You can find a link in another thread on the forum)

Happy Angel Hunting!

Worsel5 bunu beğeniyor
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