i really want NoReset% (you dont need to reset save)
1 year ago
Saudi Arabia
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Saudi Arabia
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Stockholm, Sweden
Süper moderatörVasilisTheChu
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
1 year ago

I don't see a point in having a new game+ run. It would be exactly like the other runs but you start with a propeller. There is no new strategy I can see to separate it.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Also useless for things like noTools. And yeah no new startegies runs would be the exact same but 6-9 seconds faster since no propeller, and some other categories like any% would barely see a time reduction, however I'd say for any% maybe we can make a case to have a noReset, but it be a meme run and just any%


I think a NG+/NoReset Any% category could be good, to bring a speedrun's goal to the logical extreme. To see how low we could get the timer. I would say it should probably be in the Meme section of the leaderboard, as I agree that it doesn't really bring anything new to the table and it would be generally just "less serious" I feel.

Oyun istatistikleri
En Son Haberler
NoTools "Before 1.2.1" Version has been archived

I doubt anyone would downgrade their client and there's no point to keep it up (it also had like... 3 runs or something)

1 year ago
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