All Crash Headlines Guide
7 years ago
Western Australia, Australia

Alright so the idea of this run is to start a new game and get all the crash headlines as fast as possible, time starts when Silverlake - Trailer Trash is selected and time stops when the final score appears on the screen high enough to unlock the last required crash headline.

For example with the following route the last unlocked headline is dockside which requires $1,000,000 to get the headline, time stops when the total score screen appears showing a score higher or equal to $1,000,000.

The route I made is the fastest way through it but it isn't very easy to get some of the headlines this early. At the bottom of the route I'll explain the tactics of the headline junctions plus some potential fallbacks if you don't get it straight away.

Silverlake - Trailer Trash Downtown - Cross Traffic Waterfront - Twister Silverlake - Shut / Jump Winter City - Slip & Slide Alpine - Roadblock Winter City - Pump / Tram (Headline Potential) Riviera - Get Bent (Headline Potential) Vineyard - Jackknife City (Headline) Golden City - Tuk Down (Headline) Island Paradise - Paradise Peril (Headline) Island Paradise - Ruined Holiday (Headline Potential) Golden City - Handle / Care Silverlake - Showdown (Headline) Waterfront - Leap / Faith (Headline Potential) Downtown - Wrecks City (Headline) Waterfront - Dangerzone (Headline) Riviera - Rampage (Headline) Winter City - River / Wreck (Headline) Alpine - Don't Look On (Headline) Vineyard - Field / Screams Alpine - Chilly Crash Golden City - Turn / Burn Dockside - Exit Dragon (Headline)

Alright so that's the fastest way to all 10 headlines given Dockside - Exit Dragon is the first instance of getting the headline in dockside it's better off going for here otherwise it would take about 20+ minutes to unlock the next dockside crash junction.

Winter City - Pump / Tram (Headline Potential) -Medium-Hard -Not too hard to unlock it here, the strat is to get the boost pick up the bronze and gold coins then hit the truck moving right as far left as possible so you get hit towards the 4x multiplier while also hitting the tram and the other lane of traffic. IMO it isn't worth going for here.

Riviera - Get Bent (Headline Potential) -Hard -Now this is actually quite hard to hit but IMO should be gone for as it makes life easier down the road. The strat is to pick up the boost, the bronze coin the drift around the corner picking up the gold (and silver if you can but it's tricky to get both) then try and hit the fuel truck on its side causing it to explode (it's literally not possible unless it explodes), then using impact time and/or crashbreaker moving over to the 4x.

Vineyard - Jackknife City (Headline) -Extremely Easy -The easiest headline in the route, hit the boost go up the ramp, impact time over the silver coin towards the oncoming trucks and try and then move over to the 4x, if you didn't need crashbreaker to get the 4x use it to get the gold coin if possible though not required.

Golden City - Tuk Down (Headline) -Easy -Probably the second easiest crash junction, simply pick up the gold coin at the start (it's very tight to hit both silver and gold without slowing down but really the silver isn't necessary so don't bother), hit the boost, avoid the ramp and the heartbreaker by moving in between them and go straight into the crashbreaker while moving towards the 4x hitting the vehicle on the other side of the road first. (Normally you are moving so fast you wont hit the 4x straight away so just use your crashbreaker to move back onto it).

Island Paradise - Paradise Peril (Headline) -Pain in the Ass Medium-Hard -Now this one isn't that hard IMO just extremely RNG based and actually makes me want to pull out my hair as duplicating the exact run can have different outcomes. The strat here is to pick up the boost and move around the right towards the bronze coin and from here you want to hit directly into the second last car in the oncoming lane on the main highway just in front of the 4x. Hopefully what happens here is you are bounced into the gold coin while still moving forward towards the 4x AND having the cars behind you speed up to crash into the cars a head of the pack (yes you literally need all that to happen) PLUS you need to crashbreaker forwards onto the oncoming lane and hopefully hit the fuel truck causing it to explode and the boat truck to also crash. IMO this is literally the worst crush junction to get the headline on but it's 100% easier than the next one.

Island Paradise - Ruined Holiday (Headline Potential) -Hard-Impossible -Now I put the difficulty as that simply because you need to be absolutely perfect PLUS have better RNG than the previous junction. Not only do you need the bronze and silver coins, you need the 4x, the crashbreaker and making sure every vehicle has crashed. IMO not worth it though it can be done because I have done it.

Silverlake - Showdown (Headline) -Easy -Don't do what I do and be a complete idiot by not getting the easiest headline by just going for the 4x with the boost and getting as much of the traffic and busses at the back as possible.

Waterfront - Leap / Faith (Headline Potential) -Medium -If you know what you're doing it's possible to get the 4x and hit both lanes of traffic but honestly the upcoming Waterfront junction is just way easier.

Downtown - Wrecks City (Headline) -Easy-Medium -Quite simple but could get an unlucky run. The strat is to pick up the boost go straight for the ramp, aim for the 4x with impact time and when it's been collected aim for the gold coin hopefully hitting 2 cars in the closest lane. Now the tricky part here is it might not always happen but for me has been quite consistent, you need to fuel trunk (which was behind the 2 cars you hit) to crash into you or the cars you hit to land near you so you can use your own crashbreaker exploding it while moving "north" towards the crashbreaker and trying to hit the extra vehicles up there. Not bad but could be unlucky.

Waterfront - Dangerzone (Headline) -Easy -Another easy one. The strat is to grab the boost and swing to the right to go up the right ramp, grab the gold coin and swing to the 4x with impact time. After the 4x is collected aim to the crashbreaker in the centre of the road where at the same time you hit it 2 fuel trunks should pass by causing the 2 lanes crashes, with the crashbreaker you want to move in any of the directions which had vans to hit for extra points. Should get this on the first shot.

Riviera - Rampage (Headline) -Medium -Not too bad but could go wrong. The strat is to pick up the boost, bronze and gold coins while going straight into oncoming traffic, with any luck you managed to get to the crashbreaker or were able to hit the oncoming traffic while also moving towards the 4x with either your own crashbreaker or just physics, then with that stay put in the forward lane to rack up the rest of the crashes.

Winter City - River / Wreck (Headline) -Medium -Kinda hard to explain here so I just recommend watching what happens in the video except you want to try and hit the trunk in the oncoming lane instead of completely missing it like I did.

Alpine - Don't Look On (Headline) -Easy-Medium -Actually quite simple, the strat is to hit the ramp trying to avoid the heartbreaker and land on the fuel truck causing the both of them to explode while also moving towards the 4x and grabbing the bronze coin if you can, use your own crashbreaker if you need to get the extra distance to the 4x and once you have it that's it you don't need to try and get the other lane, the fuel truck exploding and the 4x with the crashes is enough.

Dockside - Exit Dragon (Headline) -Medium-Hard -This one can actually be quite frustrating at first, but is possible to get down consistently'ish to where you get it most times. The strat is to grab the boost and basically you need to exit the gate on the left hand side potentially grabbing the gold coin but bronze is fine so long as the rest happens. From hitting the coin you need to impact time into the crashbreaker and move forward into the oncoming lane trying to land in the path of the fuel truck, from there you need to use your own crashbreaker blowing up the fuel truck and moving backwards in the direction of the 4x. Now that isn't the prettiest way of doing it I'm sure but it works most of the time for me.

Alright so that's all the crash junctions where it's easiest and fastest getting the headline with a few extras on top where you might find easier to do. Have fun.

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