Weird Glitch
7 years ago

I was running apfa and already stopped the run because I bonked into a block, but then a weird glitch happened and I just want to share this with you

I went trough this frame by frame and here is everything I noticed

I was standing on the high blocks left from the spikes for 3 frames, then I "slided" down from it, bonked into the blocks that were in the air, i fell straight down for 4 frames and then fell left for probably 4 frames maybe 5 ( I can't assign an animation with too much certainty), then went left for probably 11 maybe 12 frames, then released the left input.

Maybe the glitch happened, because I loaded another screen without holding left, but this is just a unlikely thought.

kriptopolis ve Guski bunu beğendi
Santa Catarina, Brazil

That is soo weird... if you go to the 2nd checkpoint room and sit right next to the spike (almost touching it) it does the same weird animation, but i still cant explain what happened there

kriptopolis ve Mr.Reese bunu beğendi

right I (coincidentally) saw this too when I was just playing arround

kriptopolis ve Guski bunu beğendi
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