9 years ago
European Union

I just discovered that you can do Mission 8 DIRECTLY after you did Mission 1. The reason is the button "Next Mission" after a mission (the screen where you see how many points you got in a mission). If you press this button 7 times before the screen goes black, the game will actually send you from mission 1 to mission 1+7=8!

Video following. I wonder if this will be an available/allowed glitch in any%. I personally would say yes because you would still complete the campaign with doing the 8th and last mission. But I'd be curious what you guys think about this skip! (Campaign run would be 30 minutes or something then?)

European Union

Here the video: Try it out for yourself, it's really easy to perform! If anyone wonders, I'm playing on the most recent patch (v1.03.3650) We could maybe make a campaign any% no skips and a campaign any% category? (campaign any% could have a rule to start the campaign on a new profile so only mission 1 is available and the viewer doesnt think the glitch works because the missions are already done before? just an idea)

Also I just timed it and got an any% run in 33:35 (without loading times / no video, only splits: ). A time around 20 minutes should be possible BUT only if the fast forwarding gives a huge framerate advantage (on my laptop the fastforwarding is slower than on PC - to be fair my laptop isn't the best). This is how the campaign screen looks after doing the skip, you can clearly see that mission 2 to mission 7 were omitted.

This might lead people to actually run this. Even for me as a huge anno 1404 fan, I wasn't sure if I wanted to speedrun the campaign cause it's just a really long time of pure concentration (all missions ~3 hours?). With this skip, I'd really be interested in doing some any% runs - I don't know how you see it.

European Union

Since you can select a key for "Pause Timer" in LiveSplit and since there is only 1 load time (the mission 8 load) left, the any% time could be without load times by just (un)pausing the timer once. Like that the problem in the other thread wouldn't occur anymore - it's just more convenient since the loading times can differ a lot between different PCs/Laptops.

The other load time (Mission 1 load) could be killed by starting the timer on "Start Mission" right before Mission 1.

P.S. Does "Time stops when the menu appears after the last misson in the last campaign level." mean the MAIN menu or the menu where the game shows you your points?

P.P.S. Is any admin even reading this thread? OpieOP

Lower Saxony, Germany

Sorry i wasn't home so i couldn't read this ^^ I think we should make 2 diffrent any% areas one with the Glitch and one without it. A full campain run would take like 2 hours ( i got a time of 2:51 hours but i didnt record it ) maybe if you plan it you could push the time near 2 hours. The Problem with the "Fast Forward" i dont know how we should solve the problem. Without it it would take still like 50 mins and a full campaign run like 3 - 4 hours.

I will wait 1 more day if DarkstreamerHD is writing here something. If not i will decide it by my own and dont be sad if i dont Verify your Run yet.

European Union

About the "Fast Forward": to be fair, I think the speed of fastforwarding isn't inconsistent, it has a maximum. But not every PC is getting to the maximum.

So I would still allow it, but only people with "medium good" PCs can run it then. To me it'd be like a game from 2015 - if some people can't run the game properly with their PC there's nothing we can do about that, but we shouldn't cut off the people (with PCs) who can. But that's only my opinion, you're the mod here :p

Lower Saxony, Germany

I think your right. In the next days i will change the rules and maybe with this rules you can get your time under 20 mins even with your Laptop ^^ If DarkstreamerHD isn't writing anything here in the forum i will do this by my own without his idears. Hopefully he will not change anything after i edit it.

Lower Saxony, Germany

At the moment i'm working on the Categorys maybe you have some name ideas. I want to make one with the glitch and Fast Forward. One Without the Glitch But with Fast Forward. One With Glitch but Without Fast Forward. And maybe one Without the Glitch and Without Fast Forward. So mainly 3 Categorys maybe 4.

European Union

And what about the different categories? Maybe one difficulty as default (easy?) and the other two as misc categories (hidden when you enter this page first)

Lower Saxony, Germany

tocaloni1 sounds like a good idea i will try to do this.

DerNap i dont know what the addon missons are .... or maybe i know it but i dont remeber it. Pls give me some informations about it. :)

Lower Saxony, Germany

ah ok this you mean yes i will do something for it. Maybe Today, If not today i will do it Tomorrow.

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