Amy in 1h 04m 08s 970ms by
Lider Tablosu
Run Type
All Emeralds
Run Style

Real Time Attack
1h 04m 08s 970ms
Load Removed Time
1h 03m 01s 340ms
Zaman dilimleri
# | İsim | Bölünme | Tamamlandı |
1 | Bridge Island 1 | 1m 59s 285ms | 1m 59s 285ms |
2 | Bridge Island 2 | 1m 39s 344ms | 3m 38s 629ms |
3 | Speed Jungle 1 | 2m 15s 962ms | 5m 54s 591ms |
4 | Speed Jungle 2 | 2m 40s 808ms | 8m 35s 399ms |
5 | Sky Temple | 3m 27s 434ms | 12m 02s 833ms |
6 | Pinball Carnival 1 | 1m 47s 096ms | 13m 49s 929ms |
7 | Pinball Carnival 2 | 3m 14s 075ms | 17m 04s 004ms |
8 | Lagoon City 1 | 1m 35s 164ms | 18m 39s 168ms |
9 | Lagoon City Amy Altın | 2m 50s 312ms | 21m 29s 480ms |
10 | Lagoon City 2 | 2m 23s 833ms | 23m 53s 313ms |
11 | Sand Sanctuary | 4m 26s 806ms | 28m 20s 119ms |
12 | Press Factory 1 | 3m 59s 490ms | 32m 19s 609ms |
13 | Press Factory 2 | 2m 53s 804ms | 35m 13s 413ms |
14 | Golden Capital 1 | 2m 36s 987ms | 37m 50s 400ms |
15 | Golden Capital 2 | 5m 40s 122ms | 43m 30s 522ms |
16 | Cyber Station Altın | 4m 36s 885ms | 48m 07s 407ms |
17 | Frozen Base 1 | 2m 10s 828ms | 50m 18s 235ms |
18 | Frozen Base 2 | 1m 50s 579ms | 52m 08s 814ms |
19 | Egg Fortress 1 | 4m 30s 188ms | 56m 39s 002ms |
20 | Egg Fortress 2 | 7m 29s 974ms | 1h 04m 08s 976ms |
New Patch dropped! Most glitches patched out! Downpatch guide inside!
Hey all, as the title says, a new patch just dropped and most of the glitches have gotten patched out. If you had the game downloaded previously and want to run the game with all the glitches available to use make sure you have your game set to not download the new update. If you're running on Steam
Son koşular
Seviye: Lagoon City Act 1
Seviye: Sand Sanctuary Act 1
Seviye: Lagoon City Act 2
Seviye: Lagoon City Act 1