Kaydet: Pokerouge Save File
Pokerouge Save File
Güncelleme tarihi 8 months ago tarafından NaoPolitan

Works on the downloadable Windows application, not sure if it works on mobile or web version, but it should. I also play on Offline mode, as sometimes I can have wifi issues. As for stuff unlocked, it should have all Starters unlocked (with a few exceptions), all abilities and passive abilities unlocked, all natures, and all shiny variants as of 6/24/2024, with Perfect IVs on all pokemon, all shiny forms unlocked (As of 6/24/2024). If that mon has a pre-evolution (baby form), you will have to start with that mon in order to get those moves from the jump (Pikachu, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Chansey, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Mr.Mime, Jynx, Snorlax, Sudowoodo, Marill, Wobbuffet, Mantine, Roselia, Chimecho, and Galarian Mr.Mime). Another thing that is confirmed missing from this save is the Pikachu Costume forms (This might be bad? Namely no Icicle Crash, Flying Press, Meteor Mash, Draining Kiss, or Electric Terrain from the jump), Rotom forms (At least based on when I played competitive, they are generally considered better than OG Rotom, the lower base speed is worth it for extra bulk and special attack), Unown (I don't know if the forms has been implemented tbh but it doesn't change it's stats or movepool afaik), Spinda (same case as Unown), Flabebe variants (I think they're random I have no idea) Vivilion variants (Same as Flabebe), Pumpkaboo (I don't know if the size variants are in atm or not), Squakabilly (Same as Unown, Vivilion etc) and Arceus/Sivally (The form changing items they need might be in atm, but I'm not 100% on it. And for Sivally, you must choose Type:Null as your starter, its not availabile. This may also be a thing for the Genie trio (Gen 5), Genesect, Kyurem, and Keldeo (I forgot what the Resolute form does for it lol). However, I can confirm that Meloetta (Relic Song), Zacian (Rusted Sword), Zamazenta (Rust Shield?), Megas (They seem to be permanent so keep that in mind if you evolve them. Looking at you Garchomp) and maybe Gigantimax (I don't know, I haven't gotten one yet). If there's anything I may have missed, let me know in the Speedrunning discord! (NeoPolitan)

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