Changes 20/06/2024
Yayınlanma tarihi
tarafından- Added INSANE, WEAPONS ROULETTE and HAPPY FOOT! categories
- ENDLESS, WEAPONS ROULETTE and HAPPY FOOT! are starting with a FLOOR 30 variant, more variants can be added if desired (FLOOR 10, FLOOR 50 for example)
- PERMADEATH runs have been moved to the CHALLENGE difficulty, both modes play the same and was agreed on to combine. Submittable to both Full game and Levels
- With the next game update will likely come a retime of every Full game run to line up Chapters 8 and 9 with a new end timer, this may take time. If or when your run has been retimed a note will be left in the description with the start and end frames used, another changelog on this news board will be added once all runs are up to date.
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