Doom in 5m 09s 533ms by
this run has tons of mistakes to clean up, it is however my first time running this game so there is nothing to stress about, i should probably be able to improve this in the future hopefully, just gotta practice my consistency at each level.
Mod Note: Retimed (Start Frame: 375, End Frame: 18947, FPS: 60, Total Time: 5:09.533)
Zaman dilimleri
# | İsim | Bölünme | Tamamlandı |
1 | E1M1: Hangar | 0m 11s 429ms | 0m 11s 429ms |
2 | E1M2: Nuclear Plant | 0m 25s 984ms | 0m 37s 413ms |
3 | E1M3: Toxin Refinery | 0m 38s 222ms | 1m 15s 635ms |
4 | E1M4: Command Control Altın | 0m 18s 151ms | 1m 33s 786ms |
5 | E1M5: Phobos Lab | 0m 47s 680ms | 2m 21s 466ms |
6 | E1M6: Central Processing | 1m 07s 646ms | 3m 29s 112ms |
7 | E1M7: Computer Station | 1m 10s 613ms | 4m 39s 725ms |
8 | E1M8: Phobos Anomaly | 0m 30s 021ms | 5m 09s 746ms |
Doom (Kex Port) (2024)
SRC Series: DOOM (Kex Port) Legacy of Rust All Secrets Speedrun ChallengeSonlandı
Ödül havuzu
SR50 Is Now Possible on Kex!
Hey everyone!
Yesterday, an update for the Kex Port was released. Among the many patches and quality-of-life changes made, the update made SR50, a faster straferunning technique, possible on Kex!
To perform SR50 (StrafeRun-50), one must have a forward input and two strafe inputs fo
Son koşular
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