Game Over rules for multiplayer runs?
9 months ago
United States

Good evening everyone,

Currently we do not have any special rules for multiplayer runs, i.e. what the players must do when one person runs out of lives. Considering the other Contra games, some have a rule stating that the defeated player must steal a life and rejoin immediately (e.g. NES Contra), while in others there is no requirement to start again at a particular time, and in fact leaving one player dead is a standard speedrun strategy (Contra III).

Do you think it would be beneficial to have any such rules for multiplayer runs in Operation Galuga?

I'm currently only doing co-op runs, and I'd prefer allowing people to rejoin when they want vs forcing them to immediately steal a life.

For full transparency I usually game over in level 8 and wait to respawn till after the climbing sections, so requiring an instant respawn would likely invalidate the runs I'm a part of.