Can we PLEASE get a glitchless category?? I mean almost every game has one and this one doesn`t.
as far as I know, whenever there is a glitch discovered Blargis has either patched them out or made them a feature if they improved the speedrunning experience. So I don't think it needs one right now.
Tarafından düzenlendi yazar
glitches are pretty much just Out of Bounds shenanigans so inbounds is kinda this game's glitchless. unless you count glitch-turned-features as glitches.
Tarafından düzenlendi yazar
New levels have been added
Three new (temporary) levels came out.
We have decided to put them onto until things change, then they might get archived or given patch based subcategories for when they change or get removed and come back.
Son koşular
Seviye: Forgotten Wing (lvl 4)
Seviye: Varu Underbelly (lvl 1)
Seviye: Buried Keep (lvl 5)
Seviye: Buried Keep (lvl 5)