Custom Dictionaries
8 years ago

Are we allowed to use custom dictionaries to run this game or just the base one that comes with it?


I was talking about the dlc dictionaries, maybe put them in different categories even?

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

I'm a little worried about fragmenting the community further, which is just now starting to take off.

The problem is that if we DO allow custom DLC dictionaries and one of them turns out to be advantageous, then people who haven't purchased that dictionary are all at a disadvantage on the leaderboard. I could try to separate this out but then I need to make a category for every difficulty with every permutation of every custom dictionary and that gets completely out of control in an exponential way and quickly makes the leaderboard look ridiculous.

So, for these reasons... I'm not really in favor of people using custom dictionaries... but I'm not a brutal Overkill dictator and am interested in community input on how to handle it in a way that isn't stupid.

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