PC Version
4 months ago
California, USA

I know this is a silly game but can we separate N64 and PC on the leaderboards? The game pretty clearly runs differently between the two if you watch omarcrafting's runs vs an N64 run

Not sure if this has to do with the game running faster on some PCs or something, but their runs get a weapon and powerup spawn at the start of nearly every round. I suspect the game's internal timer is running a decent amount faster on PC so it cycles through opportunities to spawn a weapon faster, resulting in a near guarantee of getting a spawn whereas it requires getting lucky to get one early on N64. On N64 you basically never see the powerup and weapon already spawned in on round start before you gain control. You can comb through my 100% runs and I doubt you'll see it a single time

The animations in the game are also just playing faster, again adding to the idea that something in the game is running at different speeds.

For example here's a timestamp of the start of a run in omarcrafting's run where a powerup spawns. You see it drop from the sky and hit the ground almost instantly:

Here's what an early power-up spawn looks like on N64, it pretty slowly drops from the sky and then bounces on the ground:

It takes 8 frames for it to hit the ground in omarcrafting's run, and takes 42 to hit the ground the first time in mine, over 5x faster.

I don't wanna discourage anyone from running the game, it's very fun! But I don't think these two versions really match up. I'd suggest separating PC and N64, maybe even add emulator back as a separate thing. The original post of the emulator ban thread got deleted so I dunno the reason but I imagine it was because it was inaccurate. So since the PC version is also not accurate to the N64 version it makes sense to treat them similarly

Edited by the author 4 months ago
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