How to see the hidden Bonus Tracks in the map selection?
1 year ago

there are more official maps in the challanges folder aside from the campaign, but I'd like to be able to select them like the other tracks. I know there is a way to do this in TM ESWC where you can make the bonus tracks appear by replacing the Nadeo folder with an altered version, and I wondered if somebody had created a similar one for TM Sunrise.


I'm not sure about adding them to the nadeo campaign, but you can add the bonus tracks as a custom campaign. I added all the bonus tracks in 4 series inside a custom campaign, mirroring how they look in the track folders. You can see what it looks like in this run:

When I have some free time, I could check if this custom campaign can be easily shared or downloadable.

Edited by the author 2 months ago

Thank you, this solved my problem. Creating my own custom campaign with the bonus tracks is sufficient for me.

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