Survival in 6m 41s 120ms by
meh run, got dumb landings bugs on two rally maps that lost probably 3s total, also poor roofhit on survival01, could've been 1s-1.5s faster there, so 6:3x Mid is quite possible with even this selection of maps, maybe 6:2x with golden maps and good runs w/o bugs
Track times: Total Time:
survival01, 00:00:47.56, 0:00:47.56
survival13, 00:00:43.76, 0:01:31.32
survival05, 00:00:45.69, 0:02:17.01
survival14, 00:00:56.25, 0:03:13.26
survival15, 00:00:55.43, 0:04:08.69
survival17, 00:00:56.57, 0:05:05.26
survival18, 00:00:50.69, 0:05:55.95
survival12, 00:00:45.17, 0:06:41.12