TrackMania (2003) Installation without CD (Windows 10 & 11)
1 year ago

Thanks to community made repacked patches, you can now install and run the game on modern systems. The copy protection program StarForce is completely removed from this installation. However, if you want to be on the safe side, download the StarForce driver remover from the official website: Run the remover tool after you are done installing the game.

Download the TrackMania (2003) installer from

Backup in case of removal from

  1. Extract/Unzip the folder.

  2. Run "TrackMania Rus & Eng installer". The installer is in Russain, meaning the wizard will display nonsensical letters if you don't have language installed. The buttons you have to select will be highlighted.

  3. Select Yes.

  1. "Next".

  1. Set your installation path and select "Next".

  1. Select "English version" in the dropdown menu, then "Next".

  1. "Next".

  1. "Next".

  1. "Install".

  1. "Complete".

The installer will close and open the launcher:

The launcher can not be used to launch the game. But you will need to use the launcher in order to configure graphical settings, as well as music and sound volume.

To launch the game, go to your installation path (C:\Program Files (x86)\TrackMania) and select the TrackMania.exe file.

If you plan on installing more TrackMania games, while still keeping TM2003 installed and playable:

Rename the installation folder from "TrackMania" to "TrackMania2003". Meaning your installation path is now C:\Program Files (x86)\TrackMania2003. If you install TMPU or TMO without renaming this folder, the newer games will update and override TM2003, removing it from your computer.

Edited by the author 1 year ago

Workaround to fixing PuzzleG3:

PuzzleG3 is not playable in version 1.0 of TrackMania. The track was fixed in patch 1.1, but we are currently having some difficulties getting a 1.1 installtion to work with modern systems. The following is a workaround.

  1. Download the "PuzzleG3 fix" folder:

  2. Extract/Unzip the folder.

  3. Copy the GameData folder and paste it in your game installation path (C:\Program Files (x86)\TrackMania).

  4. Select "Replace the files in the destination".

  1. Select "Do this for all current items", and "Continue".

PuzzleG3 should now be playable.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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