Self verification and video verification
8 years ago
Gelderland, Netherlands

The topic for me was brought up by one of the other runners, and I do agree with him. At this point in time, everybody can verify his/her time by himself. No video or proof required. I feel like that is wrong.

Though this is only a very small game and though for most its probably more of a meme then anything else, it does bring up an interesting question. Personally I think proof should be required, so that the effort put in by anyone is actually what its worth. There are several runs on the board without any proof that it actually happened.

Earlier I posted the following message in responds to dark's (the game mod's) run: Dark, since I couldnt find any other way to contact you this seems like an appropriate place. Im noticing some runs on the leaderboard that imo (and Slylobsterr seems to agree with me) that are very suspectible to cheating (i.e. the run has never actually been done). Because of that I was wondering if it was possible to have to put runs through a mod before putting it on the leaderboard (which is done for most games). I'd be happy to help you in the modding process if that would be needed. I feel like runs should always be as legit as possible, which some of the runs dont seem to be right now.

The decision in the end is up to the community, but this is my opinion on the topic

TheGlitched64 likes this
Victoria, Australia

It looks as if video proof is now required, which is awesome because I agree that there really should be proof, what with the boom of the game and how close the times are to each other. [I know it doesn't really matter what I say, but just putting my 2c out there anyways]

Crrool likes this
Gelderland, Netherlands

I am happy to see that we have switched to a need for verification on runs and the need for video evidence. All runs without video evidence have been removed from the leaderboards.

I have also added the rules for timing in the rules to avoid further confusion on the matter.

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