Current WR Beat the Game Notes (as of July 2022)
Current WR Beat the Game Notes (as of July 2022)
Updated 1 year ago by TortoiseCity

These are my notes for the Any% category, using the coaster strat to anchor the rest of the run. They’re pretty minimal, but should be enough to get through with some practice.

Note: make sure graphics are turned all the way down to reduce load times - this is something I did not know when I started and it saves a lot of time. If you have any questions, send me a DM or something on twitter @TortoiseCity

STUNTS Hire 8 Groundskeeper, collect Collectible, Teen Monthly Marketing; Loan. Coaster Strat: until you get to 1200 points Build racetrack - not worth the time to custom build here. Build Mission– Tank Frenzy My Rides > Final Lap (finish w/ length = 1300ft) Guest – Happy Talking, literally just intro, no need to talk long Guest – Silver Tongue Guest – Golden Ticket Games – Race Moe My Rides > Test Your Strength > Play (win bear) & Get nearby collectible Guest Mission – Bribery 101 Battleville Collectible: Battleville coaster area nearest to Saddleville Battleville Collectible: Middle stall area Make 3 Friends Upkeep - Smear campaign Two Saddleville Collectibles (stall areas at both ends) Pre-Built Yeehaw in Saddleville Clear points with coaster strat (when travelling between parks, always go using the menu, fastest route)

OTHERWORLDS $1000 in Research, Tunes TV Marketing, Loan, Hire 1 Mechanic Build Pre-Built 70+ skill golf course Fully Train Mechanic on golf course – 2 levels Sell golf course and make an one hole course Build long dinghy coaster that crashes (circling up and down) (1400ft) Collectible at bottom of mouth (coaster area) in usagi & in other coaster area Flirt with 3 robots Challenge 3 robots to golf Guest – Private Putter Guest – More Free Goodies Oceanville Collectibles: stall area closest to Astroville & Middle stall area Astroville Collectibles: in path opposite coaster & stall area closest to oceanville build whoa coaster with fire hoop and 4 big drops, then coaster strat until R is for Research is completed Clear Points with Coaster Strat

GIANT Any Marketing, max Loan Guest - Hypno Help Guest – Disk Jockeying Build Trampolines, Balloon Stall x2, Sumo, sell bumpers if need be Pre-Built strawberry swing 9 whoas - super long - have a 150ft drop - airtime 30s) Get candyville collectibles, Near Strawberry swing and bumper cars lower balloon prices build burger stall, coffee stall, fz drink stall x2, collectible in bumpers Get collectible: stall area near lawnville Warp to Scrap Metal: Get collectible Warp to Lawnville AutoSprint2: Get collectible & build balloon stall, lower prices, burger stall, coffee stall, doughnut stall Build Coaster with 9 woah pieces, that’s it Warp to Pool: Get collectible in stall area nearest candyville Build balloon stall x2 Make 3 People Hate you (below 10%) – hungry talk about food, complain, do stuff honestly try anything Build coffee stall, Fz drink, balloon stall x2, Clear points with coaster strat Must reach 14700 Thrill Points before advancing to explorer (possible to go lower, 15000 is safe threshold, 14700 is ideal for timing)

EXPLORER Any Marketing, Loan Collectible immediately on your right My Rides > Trick Out & Paint: off the rails, coconut, trojan frenzy Warp to Luftwaffe2 then sell Luftwaffe2 & RoboKO Furthest stall area pre-Built 70+ golf nearest relicville, sell and rebuild one hole course Collectible in golf stall area Guest – Droid Detective Fire and Hire 3 New Mechanics; Fully Train 1, 2 levels Scurvyville collectible: each end stall, use mechanic to teleport across park. Build your own low nausea coaster using Menu > Build Finish off the rails coaster (from My Rides menu) & Get collectible nearby Menu > Build Chasm Swinger in OTR Park Games – Join the club Build Pre built Karts in Summitville, then sell and build low nausea wooden Coaster Clear Points with coaster strat until unlock Thrill Tycoon (18500 TP)

HOLIDAY Market Parenting for Success, Loan 8k, Hire Groundskeeper Guest – Power of the press Games – Sparkling Success (need 5 lives at end) Games – Smashing Success Build bull & do Games – Ro Dee Whoa (fall off at 40s) Build Squadron Ace, Robo KO, do Games – Red Barry Revenge Myrides > Finish Mortifier with 4 big drops & 80mph max speed (~60s) Destroy it, build Pre-built track, sell it, build short track to race
Games – Race Legend Guest – Bribeathon Warp to Stunt Rider to get the briefcase (top of lighthouse in Sunnyville) Guest – Lost and Found Upkeep – Seeds They Suck Guest – Robo Knows Games - Traitor's Arena (if doing Any%) choose clink and then clear fights with xyabrt.

WR: 40:11

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