Safety Strats
Safety Strats
Updated 1 year ago by Undalevein

If you are a beginner and/or doing a marathon run, you can opt for safety strategies. Here are some of the safety strategies you can do in case something goes wrong:

<<< Any% >>> Town Snipes - Solve the Blue Set in Town normally by solving Town Maze then extend the bridge (similar safety strat for All Lasers).

Pop-Up Skip - Go around Monastery. If you are too uncomfortable to perform this strat, you can route in Monastery before Jungle to access the courtyard shortcut.

<<< All Lasers >>> Town Snipes - Solve the Blue Set in Town normally by solving Town Maze then extend the bridge (similar safety strat for Any%).

Desert Latch Skip - While solving the Laser Panel, change your FOV from 80 => 120 => 80. Make sure that the panel is near the bottom of the screen.

Boathouse Snipe - Snipe the panel from the Boathouse by standing on the logs or on the rails. You can also do Boathouse as the game intended.

Stairs Snipe - Perform the route as the game intended. Solve Negate Dots 1-6, raise the Lift, then lower the stairs.

Treehouse Bridge Failure - This happens when you solve a bridge panel faster than the bridge animation, causing it to open the next puzzle but the bridge is not extended. This often happens with simple panel solutions, especially ones that involve a straight line. To correct this, stand back and make sure that you are not looking straight at the bridge panels (to avoid locking into the panels), then snipe the panel.

Pop-Up Skip - Enter the courtyard shortcut to quickly go to the pop-up wall.

Challenge Pillars / Challenge Pause Glitch - If you feel that you could not solve the pillars fast enough, I recommend utilizing the Challenge Pause Glitch. You perform this glitch, you must solve the 2nd Triangles Panel, then immediately hit ESC (the menu button). Hitting the ESC button causes all panels to shut down and the music to stop; however, the pillars are still in the process of turning on. Therefore, you have INFINITE time on pillars! Sweer (but this means that you should really practice pillars).

99.8% / 100% (Work in Progress) Please note that for a marathon setting, I do not recommend running the 100% category. Even with the Eclipse Skip, the glitch is highly inconsistent because at worst, doing Eclipse Skip can total up to 1 hour and 55 minutes after loading up the save (or the setup of the glitch), longer than the intended way to get Eclipse EP

Shipwreck Discard Snipe - Let's be real, this snipe is just for show. Even if you solve this at the intended location, you can still reach Couch EP.

Windmill EPs - Make sure that you are not moving your cursor if you are doing the Second or Third blades. If you messed up during your solves or missed the cycle, you can still solve the Windmill EPs in the following locations: Right Courtyard EP, Cloud Cycle EP, and Mountaintop). If the cycle is bad, then just do it at Mountaintop

Swamp Snipe - Attempt Laser Shortcut 1 once. If you did not solve it, that's okay. Turn around and solve Right Sliding Bridge EP.

Redirect Snipe - Very risky strat for marathons. If you won't want to perform this snipe, then you must readjust your route accordingly: - Snipe the Redirect Panel from the laser tower so that the laser hits the mountain - Redirect the laser to the thundercloud after solving Town Shortcut - Solve Thundercloud EP when you exit the River Shortcut.

Eclipse Skip - If you want to do this normally, you must setup the video so that it is before the underlined text, "but like so many New England cities, the advent of shopping malls had, by the early 70s, turned it into a ghost town. However, I do not recommend this safety strat if you plan to get PBs in 100%.

Challenge Pillars / Challenge Pause Glitch - If you feel that you could not solve the pillars fast enough, I recommend utilizing the Challenge Pause Glitch. You perform this glitch, you must solve the 2nd Triangles Panel, then immediately hit ESC (the menu button). Hitting the ESC button causes all panels to shut down and the music to stop; however, the pillars are still in the process of turning on. Therefore, you have INFINITE time on pillars! Sweer (but this means that you should really practice pillars).