So I'm interested in performing runs on my PSP-2000, but I wish to know if I am eligible to submit runs, as my only method of capture would be through use of RemoteJoy. I do not believe this Homebrew imposes any meaningful difference to the system to compromise the integrity of the run, but if you have any reasons to be against it, I'm willing to hear and consider them.
It's my understanding that RemoteJoy utilizes the secondary CPU of a PSP (which is usually used for non-game applications of the PSP, like music, video, and web browsing), which would leave the primary CPU free to play the game, maybe at a hit to the thermals at worst.
Awesome! Once I get another gap in work, I'll get everything ready/started. In the meantime, is it known if dumping/installing the game provides an unfair advantage? I still have a working UMD of the game, but if loading it off of the SD card is allowed, I will do that.
Well, as an unfortunate development, it appears RemoteJoy DOES impact performance to a noticeable extent. I will see if I can fiddle with the codec compression settings, and others to see if it can be reduced to nothing, but I don't have the highest of hopes.
I did a test stream today to see how well everything handled, and came to these results.