96% of upgrades? (PC version)
1 year ago
Alabama, USA

It's weird that the game says I have only 96% of upgrades in the game. I have all feats completed, everything collected. 100% destruction (you get this for the destruction of every building in the city) does nothing to that at all and I just wasted my time on doing this naturally... https://i.postimg.cc/JnXHBYVp/image.png

So what can it be? Is it only on PC or Wii and Ps2 have this as well? Do the nextgen version can't be completed on 100% as well? Maybe that's a bug or is there a hidden upgrade we can't get yet?

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Collectible guide for 100% run of the PC/PS2/Wii version is now available!

Hi guys! In case you didn't know - pastgen (PC/PS2/Wii) and nextgen (X360/PS3) versions are very different and so the locations of all the collectibles. For years there was a guide only for nextgen version, so I decided to spend days creating a guide for the pastgen version as well. So finally, 100%

1 year ago