What should we do about glitches?
4 years ago
Saint Helena

Hey all, long time no see, today I verified some runs done by Willop that used a glitch that makes the map small, to quote: "This is using the Mixed Tribe Easter Egg and a glitch that I found, which makes the map as small as possible."

Do we think this should be a separate category, or do we think the main leader-boards should incorporate this into the current one?

This is not a dig, quite the opposite, Well done for finding a glitch in this game!

but this does need to be accounted for, any responses are good but I'd like to hear feedback on it ~Acro

Edited by the author 4 years ago
littlsnek likes this
Texas, USA

Hi! sorry, I know this is a little late. After reviewing the run, I think we should consider adding a "glitched" category. It's common practice for most games, and should more glitches be discovered in future runs, we'd have a place to put them.

MashRT and littlsnek like this
United States

I'm not sure this glitch still exists in the updated version. I think if new glitches are found a glitched category could be made.

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New Versions for speedrunning Polytopia have officially came

There has recently been some major updates to the Polytopia game. In fact, the changes to the AI and the recent balance changes, as well as results off of the poll done in our discord server, have led us to make the decision to split Versions into 2 categories: Versions 1-51 and Versions 60+.


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