How about changing Tetris (Game Boy) to Tetris (GB) to match many other games like DuckTales, Dr. Mario, The Little Mermaid, The Addams Family, ... Imho we should add the GBP as an option and use it instead of GBA for submitted runs done on it. GBI is also very accurate and should be a selectable option imho.
Yeah I use GBP but select GBA, although my reasoning is that as I understand, the GBP uses the exact same hardware as a GBA. As for changing the name, I don't care either way :D
I'm still gonna treat BT as the Father Mod here, or we can discuss as a team. I am usually open to anything as long as it's something everyone is cool with.
I don't think it matters much either way what it's called o.o GB or Game Boy you kinda get the idea of what version of tetris we're talking about.