Mastering VS. Easy
Mastering VS. Easy
Updated 4 months ago by Tolkerism

For those trying to master Easy difficulty for TA here are my findings.

Every stage has a cycle and it is normally the same:

  • Every stage will start by flattening their stack. Which means that every stage will give you anywhere from 2-8 seconds of doing nothing but flattening depending on the starting setup. They will always flatten down to 5 lines at the beginning
  • After that every stage will wait a set amount of time before doing anything. for the first 4 stages they wait 5 seconds and from there they wait 1 seconds less until they dont wait at all.
  • That means for a Lakitu stage: if the setup is that they need 6 seconds to flatten everything, they will not do anything significant until the 11 second mark.
  • It takes 2 seconds to kill in Easy. (of topped off uninterrupted time) and 1 Second for garbage to fall, so 3 seconds total
  • if while flattening there is a clear, they will continue flattening into the newly cleared lines as well! (except if it was the last block of the downstack)
  • Garbage that blocks their path to downstack, will make them stop attempting to downstack and go directly to clearing. THIS FORGOES THE WAIT TIME!
  • If they are clearing and they happen to clear your garbage along with their random panel clears they will do an additional panel clear. Same thing applies if they make a combo.
  • They tend to clear whatever is closer to their cursor

Now that all the info is layed out, this is where the strategies come into play! There are 3 factors to keep in mind. When the AI is flattening, when the AI is clearing, and how quickly you can send 7 lines. <- thats the most important one

Every stage strategy is dependent on the start setup so I will list those here.

These are general rules but timing can change depending on block setup:

5 Blocks to down stack: 8-10 seconds 4 Blocks to down stack: 6-8 seconds 3 Blocks to down stack: 4-6 seconds 2 Blocks to down stack: 2-4 seconds 1 Block to down stack: 2 seconds

Strategies for each Stage:

Lakitu: If you get a long down stack timer 8-10 seconds you want to time your 7 lines to fall anywhere between the 10-12 seconds times. Anything earlier also works! If you got a shorter time, 2-4 seconds, you will want to try to send your trash at 15 for a 17 second kill. Here sending earlier will VERY LIKELY result in a clear

Now if you get the awkward 4-8 second window, this is where the cheese strat comes in, you can send aquick combo to block the downstack (you need to see where the hole to downstack is to send either a 4 or two 4's Then since the AI will immediatly go to clearing, send 6 lines as quickly as possible (or 5 if you had a 7 line start) for the kill. This is higher level and requires the ability to see the opponent.

The pattern for Lakitu is to flatten, do 2 clears and then repeat.

Strategy for the first 5 stages is the same.

You can apply this to Bumpty, Poochy, Flying Wiggler and Froggy.

Bumpty: Flatten 2/3 clears, flatten repeat,

Poochy: Flatten, 2 clears, flatten repeat

Wiggler: Flatten, 2 clears, flatten repeat

Froggy: flatten, 2/3 clears, flatten repeat <- Froggy waits 4 seconds instead of 5

For the next 2 stages, Strategies are slightly different since the wait time is shorter so your window to kill changes.

Here it reverses, if they have a short time: you want to time your 7 lines close to the 10 seconds. to give them time to do both their clears. If they have a longer time, now you want to try to go for the cheese strats, as this will force them to clear quickly which will make you have the upper hand on the rotation.

Blargg: flatten, 2 clears, flatten repeat

Lunge Fish: Flatten, 3 clears, flatten repeat****

for the last 3 stages strategy also changes:

Here you might need to send 8 lines for some of them as they can clear up to 12 blocks on their rotation You want on quick flatten setups to start your chain immediately but build it slowly so they clear the upper blocks while your chain in going. However for slower setups you want to first cheese with a block to block their flattening and then take your time to build after they clear the block. These enemies do NOT wait after they flatten.

Raphael the Raven: Flatten. 4 clears, flatten repeat

Hookbill: Flatten. 4/5 clears, flatten repeat

Naval Plant: Flatten 4 clears, flatten PRIORITIZES GARBAGE CLEAR

Ideal send: start with and 8 or a 9 combo that leads to an x3 with a 5 and do a separate 8 or 9 combo on the side different from the first you did.

Best of luck and I hope you guys can master easy.

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