4 years ago

Utsu had a good point in his run with the dev of there being no discord/central location for gathering outside of this forum for SWRC Speedrunning. I created a discord for speedrunning in swrc. Anyone is welcome to join and we can see how it goes: https://discord.gg/RBgv9qG

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Yet another way of diluting information... Why can't the sdc forum be the central point? it's always been the case. Utsu refers to the 'STAR WARS speedrun' discord, which groups all star wars games, and of course there is very little to no activity in the repcom channel. In fact everytime someone has new information about the run they post it here. The problem is that newcomers don't know where/what to look for.

It always astonishes me how people never check sdc forums. Often information goes through PM on youtube or discord. Some questions are very redundant. I guess this forum has a lot of threads, not organized, and outdated guides... Maybe we should clean that first. (Or sort everything and use it for the discord, maybe is easier to organize things properly and dynamicly there)

Hampshire, England

Newer and Younger players are not used to older Forum style systems, most are used to discord and chat apps so they find it hard to use

@ISlide, I was also thinking of that. Like I said, we'll see how it goes. I have no issues using this forum, but maybe other people would prefer to use discord. I would definitely like to make sure the resources and guides are up to date, wherever they end up being hosted. The first attempt was the video tutorial of Geonosis. Might continue that and possibly make an updated written tutorial, or a more general video tutorial.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Virginia, USA

My biggest issue with learning this game originally was just that nothing really felt clearly labeled, and I had to go to a lot of different sources to learn certain tricks. If I'm remember correctly, I only ended up finding out how to do either the quicksave exploit, or the zipline cancel, from a "helpful tips" guide, rather than an actual explanation tutorial or anything. Overall it's just very disorganized and gave me the impression of a dead community.


clearly labeled as in : "this is what newcomers need to know","this is some discussion", "this is some stuff under development" etc...

Discord would solve that indeed

I updated the link.

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